鎌倉の紅茶専門店へ/ Visit to Black Tea Shop in Kamakura



私は、セイロン紅茶のひとつ、ディンブラを選んでみました。ディンブラとは、スリランカのディンブラ地区で栽培されていて、山や渓谷が広がる標高1100〜1600mに茶園と製茶工場が点在しているそうです。とても香り高く、爽快な渋み味とバランスが取れたお茶のイメージでしたが、茶葉の中では正当派なようです。私は、ミルクが得意でなく、ストレートで頂きました。またケーキは、レモンドリズルケーキ(Lemon Drizzle Cake)を選び、酸っぱいレモンと甘い砂糖がしっとりと沁み込んで、渋めのストレート紅茶に良く合いました。最近は、コーヒーを飲むことが多くて、紅茶から少し離れていましたが、今日は美味しい紅茶を頂いて、改めて美味しい紅茶も飲んでいきたいと思い、自宅用にダージリン茶葉と、手に入り難いケニア茶葉とを買ってみました。紅茶専門家が、選びぬいた茶葉を、時間と手間をかけ、紅茶を入れると美味しいはずですね。「美味しい紅茶の入れ方」の説明を頂きましたので、添付しておきます。

ディンブラとレモンドリズルケーキ/Dimbula & Lemon Drizzle Cake













3. キーマン






・セイロン 総称:スリランカ紅茶

標高の600mまでを、ロー・グローウン(低地産) ,600~1200mまでを、ミディアム・グローウン(中地産) 、1200~1800mまでを、ハイ・グローウン(高地産)として区別されています。ロー・グロウン(低地産)の紅茶は、濃厚な味を持ち、水色は深い赤色をしています。ブレンド用として用いられることが多く、ミルクティー用としても使われ、その代表的地方は、ルフナ地方だそうです。



ケニアの紅茶の生産量は、世界第3位だそうです。ケニア紅茶と呼ばれる紅茶は、基本的にアッサムの交配種らしく、ミルクティーが合っているようです。特にケニアは紅茶の栽培に恵まれた気候のため、年間通して、紅茶の生産が盛んだそうです。紅茶の色は鮮やで濃い紅色で。深いコクと渋みがあるのですが、とても飲みやすい紅茶のようです。優しくフレッシュな甘い香りはストレートでも ミルクティーでも好評で、ブレンド用に使われる事が多い茶葉のようです。




美味しい紅茶の入れ方/ Note of "how to make delicious tea"


Today, I visited to a tea-select store called the unique name, “Bunbun Tea Room” where is located on a 15-minute uphill walk from the west exit of Kamakura Station There are nice café, restaurants, bakeries and flower shop on the way to the direction of Sasuke Inari Shrine and Zeniarai Benzaiten. The black tea specialty store (a select shop) with a history of about 40 years, founded in 1977 on a quiet road. It seems that tea classes are also held irregularly. The interior of the store has a calm antique interior, with antique figurines and products related to tea. The books and children’s books that we can read while enjoying tea and cake. The store also sells its own blended tea, which is also available by online. There are so many kinds of tea leaves that we can drink locally and there are some kinds of special cakes that we cannnot choose.


I chose Dimbula, one of the Ceylon black teas. Dimbula is cultivated in the Dimbula district of Sri Lanka, where tea plantations and tea factories are scattered at an altitude of 1100 to 1600m where mountains and valleys spread. I enjoyed with an image of a tea that was very fragrant and balanced with a refreshing astringent taste, but it seems to be the right one among tea leaves. I'm not good at milk, so I got straight tea. Regarding the cake, I chose the Lemon Drizzle Cake, which was moistened with sour lemon and sweet sugar and tasted well with astringent straight black tea. Recently, I've been drinking coffee a lot and I've been away from tea for a while, but today I had a delicious tea and I would like to drink delicious tea again. I bought some Darjeeling and Kenyan tea leaves. The tea leaves carefully selected by a tea expert should be delicious when brewed with black tea through a careful process. I got an explanation of "how to make delicious tea", therefore I attach it as follows.


Additionally, there was a sign in the shop, as it seems that black tea has the effect of protecting ourselves from various viruses. On the website of the Japan Tea Association, there is a story about the antiviral effect of black tea against influenza viruses by Dr. Mikio Nakayama, a collaborating researcher at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases as doctor of medicine. Nevertheless, it seems that tea polyphenols are good for health. Here the below, I'll put the link as well. Dr. Nakayama is a veterinarian and medical doctor, member of the Japan Tea Association and researcher at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, who conducted an experiment on antiviral effects.



イーロン・マスク氏も絶賛したアーティスト『小松崎茂美術館』が岡山温泉街にオープン/”Shigeru Komatsuzaki Museum”, highly praised by Mr. Elon Musk, opens in the hot spring town in Okayama!

「地球大脱出(未来版ノアの方舟)」1968年作 SFメカニックファンタジー(ラピュータ刊)より/"Escape from the Earth (Future Edition Noah's Ark)" from SF Mechanic Fantasy,        in 1968  (published by Laputa)










戦艦大和/ Battleship Yamato

戦艦大和/Battleship Yamato

宇宙コロニー/Space Colony














湯郷温泉観光協会 地図/ Map of Yunogo Onsen


Shigeru Komatsuzaki Art Museum, which was highly praised by Mr. Elon Musk, opens in the hot spring town in Okayama!


■In early December, Mr. Elon Musk suddenly posted on his Twitter account (Now I am following him, so I immediately noticed it.) Suddenly, I drew an artist/illustrator who continued to give science fiction illustrations, box pictures of plastic models, etc. and led dreamed of Showa's children. I highly praised the painting of "Escape from the Earth (Future Edition Noah's Ark)" by Shigeru Komatsuzaki.


I didn't know Shigeru Komatsuzaki, but I was fascinated by this painting of an important scene in the biblical story. What surprised me was that some of followerrs from more than 100 million accounts knew Mr. Komatsuzaki and his works well. Also, if we look closely, we can see animals other than humans on board a spaceship modeled after Noah's Ark.  I can understand well what Mr. Komatsuzaki  was drawing with loving satire message conveying to us.


Around December 19th, when I saw the news that Shigeru Komatsubara Museum had opened in Yunogo Onsen of Mimasaka City in Okayama Prefecture on TV and online news, I wonder if Elon must have known about the opening of a small art museum in the countryside. It was an interesting timing, so I decided to post it here. Elon seems to be a fan of Japanese animation and he must be a major player in proceeding space development in the future too. In any case, it was a happy news for a wonderful, yet unknown Japanese artist to be recognized by people around the world, including the younger generation.


The museum recreates his home atelier and the desk, paints, and brushes that he used given to him by his bereaved family are on display. Additionally, there are no photographs regarding to “Battleship Yamato”, as it was a military secret at the time. Thanks to Mr. Komatsuzaki's vast imagination and meticulous skill, it still shines brightly like a photograph. I was very intrigued by Mr. Komatsuzaki, who drew such a realistic universe in the Showa era. The director is Mr. Nobukiyo Takenaka, a long-time fan of Mr. Komatsuzaki's works. It also was a wonderful story about the dream come true of a man who has maintained a steady friendship with Mr. Komatsuzaki.


Moreover, I would like to look forward to visiting this museum at the same time as I go to Yunogo Onsen next time.  At the below of the page, I have also posted a video that was shown on the RSK Evening News, so you can see what the museum is like. These reference images also were borrowed from *"Visual Museum of Showa".


 ■Introduction of Mr. Komatsuzaki:

Born in Tokyo in 1915 (Taisho 4). Studied under Japanese painter, Shuzo Hotta and illustrator, Hidetsune Kobayashi. He debuted as an illustrator in 1938. As a leading illustrator of science fiction illustrations concerning war stories, box pictures of plastic models, etc., he became famous for his imaginative paintings of future weapons. He has created many works that have dreams for children, such as the play "Taihei Genji".and “Earth SOS” He worked on a wide range of box art such as Tamiya's tanks and Imai Science's "Thunderbird" series, gaining popularity with his powerful creative style. Died December 2001.



From RSK Evening News


■ What is Mimasaka Onsen?

Yunogo Onsen is located almost in the center of Mimasaka City and it is one of Mimasaka's three hot springs (Mimasaka Santo) in the northern area of ​​Okayama Prefecture (former Mimasaka Country), together with Yubara Onsen and Okutsu Onsen as representative hot spring resort. About 1,200 years ago, Ennin is said to have discovered a hot spring when he saw a white heron healing a wound on his leg during a pilgrimage to the western part of Japan. The spring quality is a chloride spring containing radium bubbles and the gushing temperature is 40 to 43 degrees Celsius.


 *What is the Showa Visual Museum?

Activities to discover the works of painters, photographers, and visualists who remain in the memory of the Showa era, reproduce, preserve, and archive them using modern advanced technology, display them as high-quality printed products, and distribute them widely to those who request them. It is a business entity that conducts.                            URL: https://showvisual.com/


『トキメキ・喜び』 中野嘉之、森田りえ子展へ/ The art exhibition of "Heart Flutters & Joy" by Yoshiyuki Nakano and Rieko Morita

秋華 森田りえ子 作/  By  Rieko Morita 

熱国麗華1994年,  熱国彩夢1994年 森田りえ子 作/  By  Rieko Morita 

森田りえ子 作/  By  Rieko Morita 





こちらの美術館は、名門オーストリア・ウイーン、ベーゼンドルファー社制作の、“1000年祭グランドピアノ”である、世界に12台しかないピアノの一台が2階展示室に所有されており、月一、二度は、特別なピアノを使用したコンサートやイベントが行われているようです。 当日は、幸いにも、私が訪れた時間帯は、どなたも来訪者はなく、ボランティアで、ピアノの名手が、始終そのピアノで、馴染み深いクラッシックピアノ名曲を奏でていて、絵画と音楽の観賞が一緒に体感できたので幸運でした。ほぼ、毎週日曜日の御昼時は、この弾き手の方は、在廊されてピアノ演奏をされているそうです。


また、光が丘美術館の敷地内には、そば処「桔梗家」と陶芸教室「飯鋼山陶房」が併設されています。そば処「桔梗家」は、埼玉県小川町の養蚕農家を移築したそうで、店全体は、昔ながらの土間や囲炉裏の在る内装や、民芸家具や花入れなど調度品から和の雰囲気が漂っています。日本庭園を眺めながら、会津産玄ソバを石臼挽きした9割蕎麦粉の手打ち蕎麦や甘味も頂けます。 とても人気があるようで、お昼時はかなり混んでいて、予約が出来ないのが難点です。いつか、そば打ちや陶芸も体験したいものです。

森田りえ子 作/  By  Rieko Morita 
森田りえ子 作/  By  Rieko Morita 

森田りえ子 作/ By Rieko Morita

森田りえ子 作/ By Rieko Morita

生命賛歌 樹涛 中野嘉之 作 / By Yoshiyuki Nakano 

鷺 晩秋 中野嘉之 作/ By Yoshiyuki Nakano 

中野嘉之 作/ By Yoshiyuki Nakano 

中野嘉之 作 / By Yoshiyuki Nakano 

中野嘉之 作 / By Yoshiyuki Nakano

中野嘉之 作 / By Yoshiyuki Nakano 

中野嘉之 作 / By Yoshiyuki Nakano 

1階, 2階 展示室/ Exhibition Rooms on 1st and 2nd Floor
1階 展示室/ Exhibition Rooms on 1st Floor

ベーゼンドルファー社制作“1000年祭グランドピアノ”の説明/ Explanation of Bösendorfer's Piano in Vienna of Austria

光が丘美術館/ Hikarigaoka Art Museum




1946年 京都生まれ
1984年 “横の会”結成(~93年)
2005年 芸術選奨文部科学大臣賞受賞
2006年 第15回MOA岡田茂吉賞大賞受賞
2011年 Artist Group “風” 結成
2018年 -日本画・洋画-巨匠展(日本橋三越
現 在 多摩美術大学名誉教授



兵庫県神戸市生まれ            京都市立芸術大学美術学部日本画本科卒、 同大学院修了
1981年 第7回春季創画展 春季展賞
1986年 第1回川端龍子大賞展 大賞(和歌山市立博物館)
1990年 第1回菅楯彦大賞展 準大賞・市民賞(倉吉市立博物館)
1991年 現代日本の屏風絵展(ヴィルトシャフル美術館 ドイツ)
1992年 京都府文化賞奨励賞(海外研修)
1995年 ユニオン造形デザイン賞
2000年 京都市芸術新人賞
2006年 京都迎賓館に作品制作
2007年 金閣寺(鹿苑寺)本堂杉戸絵および客殿天井画制作
2008年 奈良東大寺絵馬作成〜以後毎年作成
2009年 真澄寺別院流響院・襖絵制作
2011年 京都府文化賞功労賞 受賞
2012年 日本・オマーン国交樹立40周年記念「森田りえ子日本画展」

2013年 京都市立芸術大学客員教授 就任



The art exhibition of "Heart Flutters  & Joy" by Yoshiyuki Nakano and Rieko Morita

■Hikarigaoka Art Museum (Nerima-ku, Tokyo) is a privately-owned art museum located in a silent residential area surrounded by green gardens with white-walled storehouses. Permanent exhibitions and special exhibitions of pottery and prints, mainly Japanese paintings are held throughout the year.


This season, the museum focuses on Rieko Morita and Yoshiyuki Nakano, who are the main collections of the museum. The two artists' paintings rich in tones and themes, such as works depicting multiple female figures that are both Eastern (including Japanese) and Western in a modern perspective are displayed on the large beams of the storehouse. I enjoyed watching them slowly in a luxurious space with a vaulted ceiling. These works were even more brilliant with the benefit of the characteristics of this building.


This museum has one of only 12 pianos in the world, the "1000th anniversary grand piano" produced by the prestigious Austrian company Bösendorfer in Vienna of Austria, in the exhibition room on the 2nd floor. The museum has twice hosted concerts and events with special pianos. Luckily, there were no visitors during the time I visited that day. Then a volunteer piano expert was playing familiar classical piano masterpieces on the piano from beginning to end. I was lucky because I was able to experience the appreciation of painting and piano music together. The virtuoso is in the hall playing the piano on almost every Sunday at noon.


 In addition, on the premises of the Hikarigaoka Museum, there are a soba restaurant “Kikyoya” and a pottery class “Iizunayama Pottery”. The soba restaurant Kikyoya was relocated from a sericulture farm in Ogawa-machi of Saitama Prefecture. While gazing at the Japanese garden, we can also enjoy hand-made buckwheat noodles made with 90% buckwheat flour, which is made by grinding Aizu brown buckwheat with a stone mill. The restaurant seems to be very popular in lunch time, but unfortunately, they do not accept reservations. Someday, I would like to experience soba making and pottery. 


水からの伝言/ Messages from water

Yoshii River, Okayama Prefecture

KIBITSUJINJA, Okayama Prefecture






Dr. Emoto's Photo Alubum


私は、江本先生のことは、日本ではなく、海外の方々からお聴きし、知ることになりました。こういった研究や成果は、日本よりも、海外の人々の方が受け入れることが寛容で理解が早く、評価も高いので、先生も自由な研究や共働活動、また啓蒙活動が行えたのだと思いました。その後、私は、熊本県阿蘇の幣立神宮宮司の春木信哉さんと江本先生の共著である、『地球隠れ宮一万五千年のメッセージ 幣立神宮が発する日本の「超」中心力』 2011/12/29 と言う、古代日本の奥深い歴史や、信仰、文化を通じた、今の日本人へのメッセージ的な対話型の著書を読みましたが、様々な現代の問題と解決への示唆がありました。いつか、この書籍にまつわるお話も日本人としては興味深いと思われますので、紹介したいと思います。




幣立神宮2022年8月/Heitate Jingu in August 2022



■  天の水とは?

話は変わりますが、このような経緯でお水について、自分なりに調べていますが、自分が毎日飲むお水はどうなのか?と考えていくと、理想は、自然と緑が多い場所で、天然の湧き水の近くに暮らす事ですが、なかなか直ぐには現実化し辛いのが現状です。これまでも、都市部に暮らすため、ペットボトルの天然水や温泉水、簡易浄水器などを利用しています。 今は、革新的企業の高精度技術を使った、住居埋め込み型や、簡易取付型浄水器製品なども、選べない程の多くの製品が出ています。







現在、このサーバーのお水を飲んでいますが、確かにまろやかで、優しく美味しい味がするのは気のせいでしょうか? 水や自然から生まれる鉱石や植物等には、まだ現代人が評価出来ていない、秘められた力が宿っていると思っています。もうすでに先駆的な個人の方々や企業が研究に取り組まれてもいますが、またこれからも水の重要性から研究開発がどんどん進んでいくと言われてます。自分にとっても大切なことの様なので身近な生活の中から興味を持って行こうと思います。 








Messages from water

■ Water remembers...

I'm sure some of you know that water has memory, but I don't think it's widely known yet. Even though it has been scientifically told that water has the ability to memorize various kinds of information. Overall, I don't think there was a way to directly confirm the memorized information with the eyes.


Dr. Masaru Emoto is a leading figure in the world of water research, who wished to somehow visualize the information marked on water in a visible form. After trial and error, he succeeded in developing water crystal photography in 1994. He was the first person in the world to successfully explain the information stored in water in the form of ice crystals. As a result of examining various types of water, for example natural water, river water, lake water, spring water called famous sources and tap water from various places, it was found that good water exhibits a beautifully balanced hexagram crystal structure. On the other hand, polluted water does not form a beautiful crystal structure, and if chemical substances such as chlorine enter, it appears to be jagged as sharp structure and the neat and clean shape cannot be seen. Additionally, through Dr. Emoto ‘s continuous devoted research, he has accumulated many demonstration cases that the crystal structure can be changed by listening to music and by human words. As a result, he was able to unravel a completely new way of looking at the properties of water, which could not be grasped by conventional scientific methodologies by himself. Below are photos of the book I own. 


 I learned about Dr. Emoto not from Japan, but from people overseas. This kind of research and results are accepted more openly, more quickly and highly evaluated by people overseas than in Japan. After that, I read a book co-authored by Mr. Shinya Haruki, the chief priest of Heitate Jingu Shrine in Minami_Aaso, of Kumamoto Prefecture, and Dr. Emoto, "The Message of 15,000 Years of the Hidden Earth: The 'Super' Core Power of Japan Heidate Jingu Shrine" 2011/12/29.  I read this interactive book that conveys a message to present Japanese through the profound history, beliefs, and culture of ancient Japan. Someday, the story related to this book will be interesting for Japanese people, so I would like to introduce it.


In fact, this summer, I visited Heitate Jingu Shrine, Takachiho Gorge, and Amanoiwato in Miyazaki Prefecture. Heitate Jingu is said to be the oldest shrine in the world with a history of 15,000 years, but its existence is not widely known. At the Goshiki God Festival, people around the world are roughly divided into five colors (red, white, yellow, black, and blue). People pray to the gods that represent each of the five colors, praying for peace on earth, prosperity for mankind and world peace. Even now, many people from all over the world gather for this festival. It is said that it was a common shrine not only for Japanese people but also for people from all over the world (five-colored people).


■ What is heavenly water? 

Although story changes, I have been interested in water for this reason. I wonder what kind of water we should better to drink every day?  When I think about it, the ideal would be to live in a place with a lot of nature and greenery, near a natural spring, but the reality is difficult to realize it right away. Since I live in an urban area, I have used natural water in PET bottles, hot spring water and simple water purifiers. Nowadays, there are so many products that we can't even choose, such as home-embedded water purifiers and easy-to-install water purifiers that use the high-precision technology of innovative companies. 


Moreover, it has been chemically and medically proven that natural minerals, known for bedrock baths are good for the human body. Therefore, I enjoyed bathing in several types of minerals stones.  Recently, I installed a water server containing different kinds of stones in my home. It contains three kinds of stones called, Amagi Kou Hanseki (mineral solutes and works to prepare water), Amagi Kou Kaseki Madoka (works to refine water molecules), Amagi Kou Kaseki GO Ball (prevents corruption and makes water mellow).  It is told that water that has passed through these natural ores seems to have circular water molecules when observed with an optical microscope, but with Amagi ore, the water molecules are in the shape of a six-pointed star=Hexagram. It is said to be easier and more gastrointestinal-friendly, making it easier for the body to absorb these important mineral elements.


 I currently drink water from this server, the water has a mellow, gentle and delicious taste. I believe that minerals and plants born from water and nature have a hidden power that modern people have yet to appreciate. Individuals and companies of  pioneer are already working on it and I believe that research and development will continue to advance steadily because of the importance of water. I am also interested in it, so I will continue to learn from familiar aspects of my daily life. 


*Amagi volcanic stone is produced in Mt. Amagi of Izu district.It is a porous glass-like ceramic and the main component is crystals of metal minerals, which have the property of having a specific vibration period from an external force and seem to affect water molecules. Furthermore, In addition, Amagi volcanic stone allows water to pass through fine holes, making the water molecules finer and gentler on the stomach and intestines. It seems to produce water that is close to natural spring water.



『星野道夫 悠久の時を旅する』@東京都写真美術館へ / Visit to "Michio Hoshino, Traveling Through Eternal Time" @ The Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography

■『星野道夫 悠久の時を旅する』東京都写真美術館


















■Visit to "Michio Hoshino, Traveling Through Eternal Time" @ The Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography


In December, on a relatively warm Sunday, I visited to the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography to see an exhibition by photographer, Michio Hoshino, commemorating the 70th anniversary of his birth. Even on Sunday morning, the exhibition was very popular and a lot of people visited.


Many of you may know Mr. Hoshino. At the age of 19, at a second-hand bookstore in Kanda, he was fascinated by an Eskimo and an Aerial photograph of Shishmaref Village. After sending a handwritten letter expressing positive hope to the village chief to visit and stay with the family in Shishmaref , Mr. Hoshino received a reply that he would be accepted into the village chief's own house. Even now, 50 years later, these two letters have been carefully preserved, and for those who see them, the young man's pure adventurous spirit and determination are conveyed.


Already from the first exhibition room, there were magnificent, desolate, natural scenery and plants, polar bears, caribou, grizzly bears, harp seals, Dall sheep, walruses, and arctic wolves, squirrels, foxes, whales, etc.... living in the harsh climate and nature. In addition to vivid photographs of animals, the exchange of letters left behind by Mr. Hoshino, the Eskimos, Indians, and friends who voluntarily retired from the military from Europe and the United States and became aerial photography pilots because they were attracted to Alaska like Mr. Hoshino, transcends generations. I could feel the strong and kind personality of Mr. Hoshino, as the exchanges and friendships were conveyed through the items he left behind. 


In 1990, he took up residence in the Fairbanks Woods, became involved as a local, and for the rest of his life shared a spiritual fascination with the myth of the raven, who created all that was shared by the Indian as well as Eskimo people. He went to Siberia in search of the 10,000-year-old roots of Alaskan hunter-gatherers. In addition, at the venue, photographs of the film that was found in the camera in the house of Alaska in the spring of this year were exhibited for the first time. The photos have faded over time.


 The top of greeting panel at the venue started with a message from Mr. Hoshino's wife. I think that the audience was warmly moved by the admiration of the deceased husband's great achievements, and the words that spoke on behalf of them.


At the same time, I also learned about the biology of Alaskan creatures. For example, wolves are animals that humans can hardly match, polar bears are solitary and do not form groups, harp seals and walruses are timid, grizzly bears eat only salmon eggs and fat in the middle of winter. I reconsidered the harshness of life and the providence of living in nature, such as giving the rest to other animals. 


Mr. Hoshino risked his life to get involved with great nature and living  animals. By imagining Mr. Hoshino's thoughts, I felt that there was a special feeling for modern human beings' relationship with nature and animals more than the viewers. I think we can also understand the true message from his works of this exhibition. The exhibition will be opening until January 22, 2023.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography


マウナロア火山の 素晴らしいクローズアップ ビュー/ Mauna Loa volcano: Aerial video shows stunning close-up view of eruption


Mauna Loa volcano: Aerial video shows stunning close-up view of eruption - YouTube


■ マウナロア火山の素晴らしいクローズアップ ビューの航空ビデオ/

Mauna Loa volcano: Aerial video shows stunning close-up view of eruption by Global News




11月27日夜、ハワイ島のマウナロアで噴火がありましたが、このGlobal News の動画を見ていると、こんな美しい、力強い光景を見ると、地球が自ら大浄化しているようにも見えます。大自然の営みに、畏敬の念を感じました。

写真は、Global News動画より借用しました。


また視聴者のコメントを読んでいると、二酸化炭素 (CO2) は光合成に不可欠な要素?で、二酸化炭素 (CO2)は汚染でないという意見もあります。今人々が脱二酸化炭素 (CO2)に取り組むのは、なぜだろうかと考えさせられました・・・。






”Powerful, perfect, beautiful Mother Nature. Thank you.”



”Earth is purging trying to cool off!! Eerily beautiful!! The lava rivers look like veins!”



”This is good. We need more natural fertilizer. The soil is gonna be so enriched.

Beautiful. More CO2 food for plants.“



“Plants need essential CO2 food to produce waste/byproduct known as O2.

CO2 is not pollution: Plants need atmospheric carbon dioxide to produce food: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an essential component of photosynthesis

 「植物は、CO2 として知られる廃棄物/副産物を生成するために必須の CO2 食物を必要とします。 CO2 は汚染ではありません。 植物は食物を生産するために大気中の二酸化炭素を必要とします。 二酸化炭素 (CO2) は光合成に不可欠な要素です。」



 Mauna Loa volcano: Aerial video shows stunning close-up view of eruption by Global News:


There was an eruption at Mauna Loa on the island of Hawaii on the night of November 27, 2022.


I realized that the earth was purifying itself by seeing such a beautiful and powerful scene by watching this video from Global News. I felt a sense of awe at the workings of nature.


In addition, according to the viewer comments, some one say that carbon dioxide (CO2) is an essential factor for photosynthesis, and that carbon dioxide (CO2) is non-polluting...


The news reported that the eruption was the first since 1984, and the volcanic activity has been increasing little by little over the past few years. Therefore it seems that experts have strengthened monitoring. It is also told that about 0.6 centimeters of ash can accumulate. Ash fall has been confirmed in the area, and the authorities are calling on residents to be vigilant.  However it seems that the lava remains near the peak and no casualties have been reported.