巾着田/曼殊沙華/ "Manjushage" & "Hokekyo=Lotus Sutra"












法華経』においては、〃この時、天は曼陀羅華(まんだらけ)・摩訶曼陀羅華(まかまんだらけ)・曼殊沙華(まんじゅしゃげ・摩訶曼殊沙華(まかまんじゅしゃげ)を雨ふらして、仏の上及びもろもろの大衆に散ず。〃 (『法華経』序品)






■"Manjushage" by Kinchakuda

In Kinchakuda on the banks of the Komagawa River in Hidaka City in, Saitama Prefecture, about 5 million “Manjushage” bloom on an area of ​​about 22 hectares with a diameter of about 500 meters for about a month from the end of September every year.

The Kinchaku-da field was created over a long period of time by the meandering Koma River, a clear stream that flows through Hidaka City. 


I visited on September 25th, the day after the typhoon had passed, and on the flat land surrounded by rough rivers with water that was about to overflow, red spider lilies were dyed crimson all around, like a red carpet. It was beautiful. It is often said that flowers have a short lifespan, However many fans secretly visit every year, attracted by the beauty of the limited short lifespan of flowers.

■"Manjushage" and "Hokekyo=Lotus Sutra"

Manjushage means "red" in Indian Sanskrit. It is also a heavenly flower quoted in the Lotus Sutra. In general, it is called "Higanbana", which blooms on the autumn equinox. It has a couples of names such as, 'Hamizu Hanamizu' because it doesn't see leaves when it blooms. 

They are sometimes called flowers.as 'Canopy Flower' since it's shaped like an umbrella,or called 'Death Flower' and 'Jigoku=Hell Flower' as it blooms on the equinox.


When Manjushage stands out on the roadside, it is a sign that it is finally autumn. Actually, it is also a very historical flower that appears as Manjushage in the teachings of the Lotus Sutra of Buddhism.

It means, ``When Buddha entered meditation, four kinds of flowers, including Manjushage, rained down from heaven on Buddha and his disciples who were in meditation.''.

When we think of red Manjushage flowers falling from the sky, we can imagine a beautiful and fantastic landscape. It seems that whenever Manjushage blooms in every season it is reminded us that the wisdoms of Buddha are always here around us.