Christmas Illumination



週末、恵比寿駅に行く用事があり、ちょうど有名な時計広場のクリスマス・イルミネーションに遭遇しました。クリスマスツリーと、設営テントの中でAIの演奏するピアノ演奏など、センター広場からまっすぐ伸びたプロムナードの先に展示され、キッチンカーや野外カフェが出来ていて、これからの時期、クリスマス雑貨などを購入出来るクリスマス マルシェも計画されているようで、多くの人達で賑わっていました。





"Christmas Tree" at Illumination of Yebisu Garden Place


I had the opportunity to go to Ebisu Station on this weekend and just happened to encounter the famous Christmas illuminations at the Clock Square. The christmas trees were decorated and a piano performance was played by AI in a tent.It seems that it was planned that a Christmas Marche where you can purchase miscellaneous goods for Christmas at the promenade that extends straight from the center square and it was crowded with many people.


In addition, there is also a huge chandelier made by using French "Baccarat" glass that is decorated every year in this season. May Japan and the world have a peaceful Christmas and the winter.