「東京で備前焼の作陶展へ」/ The Exhibition of Bizen Ware in Tokyo

備前焼  豊福 博 陶芸展

2022年11月24日(木)~30日(水) TOBU ART GALLERY

今月初め、岡山の備前を訪れて間もない中、また東京の池袋で、備前焼の「豊福 博先生の陶芸展」に出逢えました。先生もご在廊で、少し岡山のお話しも出来ました。


今回は、大きな花入れや壷、陶板画や、気軽に家庭料理に活用出来そうな、自然練込みと呼ばれる、丸や四角のシンプルな形で、格子の模様の入ったお皿や, 毎日使えそうな湯呑、カップ,やビアマグもありました。伝統的な徳利やぐい呑みも、個々変形を形取ったシャープなデザインで、丸みは抑えられているのが、先生の作品の特徴と見受けられました。 備前の素朴でシックな香炉は、香りを愛で、愉しむ日本文化の美意識と共に心が和めそうです。抹茶茶碗については、客人へのおもてなしの精神や、侘び寂びを振る舞うに、また備前焼の落ち着いた色合いや質感は、抹茶の緑色も美しく映えます。私にとっては、備前焼の陶板画を見るのが、珍しく新鮮でした。 また、小ぶりから大ぶりの花器も形・大きさもいく種類かあり、会場にも生けられていた椿のピンクの花や、センリョウ/ヒイラギの赤い実や緑が花器に良く似合います。またこれからは冬の花、近くにも咲いていそうな、山茶花や、水仙、また春先には、野の花や、梅や桜などが良く映えると思います。

















1973      埼玉県生まれ

1996      国際基督教大学卒業
1998      備前焼作家 川端文男に師事

2022   第九回 陶美展 高島屋賞 (優秀賞)受賞

     第六五回 日本伝統工芸中国展 岡山市長賞 受賞

     第七三回 岡山県美術展覧会 岡山県教育長賞 受賞

     第六九回 日本伝統工芸展 入選



Bizen Ware Toyofuku Hiroshi Ceramic Art Exhibition

November 24th (Thursday) to 30th (Wednesday)2022 @TOBU ART GALLERY


Shortly after I visited Bizen in Okayama last month, I had come across the Bizen ware "Hiroshi Toyofuku's Ceramics Exhibition" in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. Mr. Toyofuku was also in the gallery and I was able to talk a little about Okayama with him.


This time, there are large flower vases, containers, pottery paintings, and plates with grid patterns in simple circles and squares which can be easily used for home cooking and there were also teacups and beer mugs by technique called Shizennerikomi. The traditional tokkuri and guinomi sake cups are also unique in their designs, with sharp surfaces and moderate roundness. The rustic and chic incense burner of Bizen will soothe along with the aesthetic sense of Japanese culture where we can enjoy the scent.


As for matcha tea bowls, the green color of matcha shines beautifully in the calm color and texture of Bizen ware to show the spirit of hospitality and wabi-sabi to guests. For me, it was rare and fresh to see a Bizen ware panel painting. In addition, there are several types of small to medium-sized vases of various shapes and sizes.The pink flowers of camellias and the red and green berries of Senryou/Holly, which were also arranged at the site by matching well with the vases. I think that winter flowers such as sasanqua and daffodils are also suited with as they likely to be blooming nearby. Besides,  in early spring, plum and cherry blossoms will be beautiful with Bizen vases. 


In fact, I am interested in the most about "kiln firing" of the pottery now. I can imagine that the fire that burns natural red pine wood is shiny, powerful, and beautiful.  In addition, I think that it is an important stage to become pottery by fusing the unique soil and clay from the region with the energy of natural wood, fire and kiln. Someday, I would like to see a kiln that can go up to 1,200 degrees from a low temperature flame, or see the smoke coming out of the chimney and see the flame inside the kiln.


There was a message from Mr. Toyofuku for the exhibition.

“When creating a form, I first think about the soil. If it is this soil, I will search for this shape, but I will actually prepare the clay string for the string stacking and continue to pile it up one by one, hit it and scrape it.  Even if I make the same shape, the product will be different depending on the soil. ”


Mr. Toyofuku's official website explains the method & process of "firing the kiln". Actually here introduces a video of the kiln being fired (the image below is borrowed from the video).



Here is also Mr. Toyofuku's Instagram
