備えあれば患いなし/ Well prepared means no worries

ナスタチウム(キンレンカ)/ Nasturitium 

牛窓オリーブ/ Olive in Ushimado












もしかしたら、いざと言う時には、こうした食用の野草と、食用でない野草の見分けが付き、どこへ行ったらこうした野草が手に入るのか、分かっていると助かる事もあると思いました。これから、比較的育てやすい野菜などは、自力で作れるように、野草を自分で入手し、その料理方法なども身に着けていると損はなく、より豊かな食生活が送れるのでは?と感じました。 調べてみると、野草を初めとする地球上の植物は、ほとんどのものに、高いビタミンやミネラルの栄養素が含まれており、昔から、雑草は強いと言われますが、生命力あふれる野草を日常の生活に取り入れてみるのも良いかもしれません。ちなみに実家の庭は、手入れを余りせずにいたら、ドクダミの園になっていて、ほかの雑草より強く、他をも凌駕してしまいました。いずれこのドクダミを活用していきたいと思います。 

野草のお寿司/ Herb Sushi   

AIN SOPH. soar IKEBUKURO/ Vegan Restaurant

■エディブルフラワー(=Edible Flower)とは?

ページトップの植物は、エディブルフラワー(=Edible Flower)と言い、食べられる花です。 ナスタチウム(キンレンカ)で今年の春、自宅のプランターで育てました。実は、フランス料理などに応用されている花、実、葉も食べる事が出来るのですが、私は、なかなかレシピが思いつかず、黄色とオレンジの花が好きで鑑賞をしていました。どうも、花はわずかにスパイスの香りがして、味は、爽やかな辛味と甘さがするそうで、ビタミンAが豊富で、ビタミンCもレモンに劣らないほど含まれているらしく健康にも良いとのことです。




Well prepared means no worries

Nowadays, there are some issues concerning food crisis in Japan since the prices of consumer goods and food are gradually rising. However it seems there are a plenty of food items in supermarkets, grocery stores and online supermarkets. I wonder what the real facts are.


In fact, the Ukraine crisis broke out this year and the price of raw materials such as wheat, grain, crude oil, and chemical fertilizers increased, and assuming unpredicted circumstances surrounding Japan. There are reports and people who state anxiety the procurement of food and its production materials has become difficult. I won't deliver deeply into it today, but it's one of the most worrying themes for me now. The other day, I went to a study session on herb “wild grass” at a "vegan restaurant" that is gradually increasing in the world. When we think of herb= “wild grasses”, we think of weeds that grow on sidewalks and fields. But Japanese have been used having about bamboo shoots, myoga ginger, horsetail, udo, konnyaku, mugwort, butterbur, parsley, bracken and etc. Moreover, the nanakusa=Seven kinds of herbs (seri, shepherd's purse, gogyou, chickweed, hotokenoza, suzuna, suzushiro, etc.) of nanakusa-gayu (seven herb porridge) eaten in the New Year are also included in herbs=wild grasses in Japan.


I remember I used to enjoy going to the mountains to collect bracken, bamboo shoots, butterburs and matsutake mushrooms with my grandparents and my family. Even now, when I find these kinds of herbs=wild plants in stores, I sometimes buy them and cook them. This time, shop staff and volunteers cooked “Sushi” with herbs= wild grasses harvested in the neighborhood. At first, I imagined that it would be insufficient of the taste and quantity, but the herbs= wild grass and rice were well seasoned. Surprisingly it was full and delicious. In addition, the owner is from Tsurugi-san of Tokushima Prefecture. I heard that even now, the locals actively use herbs=wild plants in their daily menus.


In an emergency, it would be helpful to be able to distinguish between these edible and non-edible wildflowers/wildgrass and to know where to go to get these herbs=wildflowers. From now on, I felt if we can grow vegetables that are relatively easy to grow by ourselves, we can get our own herbs=wild plants and learn how to cook them, so we can have a richer diet. Also, I found that most of the plants on earth, including herbs= wild grasses and wildfowers, contain nutrients such as high vitamins and minerals. So, it may be a good idea to unite it into our food for healthier life in the future.