富士山・浅間神社五社巡り!/Visit to Mt.Fuji and the Five Sengen Shrines!

様々な姿の富士山/ Mount Fuji in various forms

河口湖/ Kawaguchiko


立春を迎えてすぐに、山梨県静岡県に位置する、1.東口本宮冨士浅間神社(富士山須走口登山道に鎮座する世界文化遺産)、2. 北口本宮冨士浅間神社富士登山吉田口登山道起点の世界文化遺産)、3. 富士御室浅間神社(武田家三代に渡り崇敬された富士山最古神社)、4. 山宮浅間神社(本殿のない富士山を遥拝する)、5. 富士山本宮浅間大社(富士山を御神体とした浅間神社総本宮)を巡りました。富士山は、2013年に信仰対象と芸術の源泉として世界文化遺産に登録されて久しいですが、今回、富士山を初め、山岳信仰の文化が始まる元となった浅間神社のいくつか廻ってみました。




■1.東口本宮冨士浅間神社/Higashiguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine



■2.北口本宮冨士浅間神社/Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine

大鳥居(日本最大木造鳥居)/Otorii Gate, The most biggest wooden gate


大塚丘 御祭神 日本武尊(やまとたけるのみこと)/Otsuka Hill, Yamato Takeru

富士恵比寿, 諏訪拝殿(吉田の御神輿)/ Fuji Ebisu, Suwa Worship Hall 




世界遺産富士山 地図 *Mt.Fujiウェブサイトより地図は借用しました。

■3.富士御室浅間神社/ Fuji Omuro Sengen Shrine


■4. 山宮浅間神社/ Yamamiya Sengen Shrine

富士山本宮浅間神社の元宮とされる(*晴間は下記写真のように 前方に富士山が見える)/ Consider to be the former shrine of Mt.Fuji Hongu Sengen Shrine.                                         (Mt. Fuji can be seen on a clear day.)


■5. 富士山本宮浅間大社/ Fuji Hongu Sengentaisha Shrine





                                                       富士山樹海/Mt. Fuji's Jyukai










■Visit to Mt.Fuji and the Five Sengen Shrines!

About the Five Sengen Shrines

Immediately after the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar, I visited on 1.Higashiguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen-jinja Shrine (a world cultural heritage enshrined on the Mt. heritage), 2. Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji sengen-jinjya Shrine(A world cultural heritage site at the starting point of the Mt. Fuji Yoshida Ascending Trail), 3. Fuji Omuro sengen-jinjya Shrine (Mt. Fuji's oldest shrine worshiped over three generations of the Takeda family), 4. Yamamiya sengen-jinjya Shrine (Worship Mt. Fuji and consider to be the former shrine of Fuji Hongu Sengen Shrine) and 5. Fuji Hongu Sengen Taisha (Sengen-jinja Shrine main shrine with Mt.Fuji as the object of worship). It has been a long time since Mt. Fuji was registered as a World Cultural Heritage site as a place of worship and as a source of artistic inspiration. This time, I visited on Mt. Fuji and several Sengen shrines where the culture of mountain worship began.


It was told that the god of Mt.Fuji is Asama-no-Okami, the god of volcanoes. The incarnation is Konohanasakuya Hime no Mikoto, a beautiful goddess who appears in Japanese mythology.  Nigigi no Mikoto is the grandson of Amaterasu Omikami. The both become a husband and wife god. Nigigi no Mikoto was the son of Amenoshihomimi no Mikoto. His mother was Yorozu Hatoyoakitsushi, the daughter of Takagi no Kami and it is told that to be the great-grandfather of Emperor Jinmu.Ninigi-no-mikoto received the transfer of the country from Okuninushi-no-mikoto and descended from heaven to govern Ashihara no Nakatsukuni in place of his father. According to the legend, Nigigi-no- Mikoto had three sons including Hosuseri-no-Mikoto, Hoori-no-Mikoto and Takamagahara-no-Mikoto. Nigigi-no- Mikoto planted as food for the people living in Ashihara-no-Kuni. It is also considered to be the enshrined deity of Sengen Shrine.  Konohanasakuya Hime no Mikoto is said to be the god of musubi from the myth that she gave birth in a fire and it seems that she came to be said to be a god who works various powers in many places by invisible abilities.


Distribution of Sengen Shrine

Sengen shrines were built all over the country, praising Minamoto no Yoritomo and people all over the country as gods with miraculous powers. Currently, there are more than 1,300 shrines nationwide. It is told that there are close to 1,900 shrines including shrines that have been merged with other shrines without the name Sengen Shrine. This seems to have developed nationwide, mainly in the Kanto region, by linking Asama faith with Shugendo and Kakugyo's Fuji-ko.


About Aokigahara Jukai

Aokigahara Jukai was erupted about 1,150 years ago during the Heian period and magma flowed out. These became the foundation of the land. It seems that there was a time when the environment couldn't be done such as no trees grow on the ground for 5 to 6 years. After that, it is gradually weathered by wind and rain. The magma turns into gravel and rainwater makes it possible for microorganisms such as bacteria to live. Due to the arrival of birds and insects, nutrients have increased and it seems that the environment has changed to a place where a wide variety of animals and plants can live and grow gradually. Besides, it is told that it takes 200 years for tall trees to grow and then it took 200 to 300 years after the eruption for the trees to gradually grow to their present state after the 11th century. Aokigahara Jukai forest is said to be 300 years old. In fact, if we look closely at Jukai forest, we will find that the ground surface is still covered with magma rocks and stones and only conifers such as cypress and hemlock with thin branches grow. I have got the Jukai Forest has a terrifying image in Seicho Matsumoto's novels and in the media reports, but it is the complete opposite of that, with the strong microbes of nature and the vitality of animals and plants that grow even in such harsh conditions. I felt the mysterious and sacred power that dwells in the great mountain.


Sengen Shrine used to be Buddhist temple...

Mt. Fuji attracts many worshipers and the Yamanashi Prefecture side, Omiyaguchi and Suyamaguchi, which took a long time to recover after the eruption and it seems to have been crowded with many worshipers from the Kanto region. At its peak, Yoshidaguchi was home to nearly 100 Oshi's mansions and there were many Kosha. It seems that there were times when it was forbidden, but there is still a lineage called Oshi in Yoshidaguchi, (*Kakugyo Hasegawa is the person worshiped, as the founderof Fuji- Ko). Oshi is the leader of the faith of Fuji-ko and at the same time, they are responsible for providing lodgings for the members when climbing Mt.Fuji. I confirmed that villages and houses that inherited this tradition of Oshi still exist today.


Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine, located in Fujiyoshida City is told that has been built to calm the eruption of Mt. Fuji and more than 200,000 people visit Mt. Fuji. However, in the past, Mt. Fuji was considered a mountain where gods lived and entry into the mountain was prohibited. It is also told that this place was a place to worship Mt.Fuji and perform rituals. This is the period when Shinto and Buddhism were syncretized and Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine has a Niomon gate, a bell tower and a three-storied pagoda of Buddism. However, people's faith has always been influenced by the politics of the time and when the Meiji Era separated Shintoism and Buddhism. Therefore, Buddhist statues were sadly and cruelly destroyed and removed at that time.


During this journey of the five shrines, I learned about the history of Mt. Fuji, the differences in culture and character between Yamanashi Prefecture and Shizuoka Prefecture, and the formation of Mt. Fuji.  Besides, It was a good opportunity to know  more about belief and so on for Japanese people in the past. In addition, I was able to feel the beauty and power of Mt. Fuji's great nature to my heart's content under the fresh air of the cold winter season. Moreover, I was able to understand the differences in history, climate, and culture of these regions. It was a nice day when I felt that the majestic Mt. Fuji is a great symbol of Japan, both mentally and spiritually.