京都滞在中に「承天閣美術館」を鑑賞!/ Through my stay in Kyoto, enjoyed seeing the Jotenkaku Museum, which houses works by Jakuchu Ito, Okyo Maruyama, and Tohaku Hasegawa!

相国寺承天閣美術館/ The  Jotenkaku Museum 

相国寺/ The Shokokuji Temple

南禅寺を訪れた同日、夕刻からの空き時間を利用して、地下鉄烏丸線今出川駅』の京都御所同志社大学近くにある「相国寺」付属の承天閣美術館を訪れました。今回は、『禅寺に伝わるものがたり Ⅰ期:仏教説話と漢故事』が開催されていました。現在は、二期展示にあたり『女性と仏教』が5/28(日)~7/17(日)まで開催されています。相国寺は、明徳3年(1392)に夢窓疎石を開山とし、室町幕府第三代将軍足利義満によって創建された臨済宗相国寺派大本山です。京都五山の第二位に位置し、絶海中津や横川景三と言う五山文学を代表する禅僧や、如拙・周文・雪舟らの日本水墨画の規範を築いた画僧を多く輩出、地理的にも文化的にもかつて京都の中心だったようです。









■Through my stay in Kyoto, enjoyed seeing the Jotenkaku Museum, which houses works by Jakuchu Ito, Okyo Maruyama, and Tohaku Hasegawa! 


On the same day that I visited Nanzenji Temple, I utilized my free time from the evening to visit to the Jotenkaku Museum close to the Kyoto Imperial Palace at Imadegawa Station on the subway Karasuma Line which is attached to Shokokuji Temple just adjacent Doshisha University. This time, "Tales from Zen Temples Phase I: Buddhist Stories and Chinese Legends" was being held. At present, "Women and Buddhism" is also being held from 5/28 (Sun) to 7/17 (Sun) for the second exhibition. The Shokokuji Temple is the head temple of the Shokokuji School of Rinzai Buddhism, founded in 1392 by Soseki Muso and Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, the third shogun of the Muromachi Dictatorship. It is located in the second place of Kyoto Gozan, and it has produced many Zen priests such as Zekkai Nakatsu and Yokogawa Keizo, who are  represent Gozan literature, and painter priests such as Josetsu, Shubun, and Sesshu who established the standard of Japanese ink painting. Geographically and culturally, it also used to be the center of Kyoto. 


■The History of Shokokuji

In fact, Shokoku-ji was destroyed by fire many times, and in the Onin War, most of the temple was destroyed by fire because it became the base of the Hosokawa clan. In 1584 (Tensho 12), Jota Saisho, who became the 92nd Chief Priest, was appointed by Hideyoshi Toyotomi in 1605 (Keicho 10), many halls were rebuilt with the support of Hideyori Toyotomi. It seems that reconstruction has progressed, but it suffered from multiple fires and most of the buildings except the hall were destroyed by fire in 1788 (Tenmei 8). At the beginning of the Meiji era, the trend of 'abolition of Buddhism' and the decrease in the temple's territory put it in a difficult situation. With the power of the 126th Dokuen Shoju, it is now the head temple of the Shokoku-ji as School of Rinzai Buddhism and it has nearly 100 temples of the Shokoku-ji school. This museum houses works handed down to the sub-temples of Shokoku-ji, Kinkaku-ji, and Ginkaku-ji over a history of about 600 years. There are 5 National Treasures, 145 Important Cultural Properties, including 5 National Treasures. It seems that they have a large number of cultural assets such as 145 Important Cultural Properties, and Medieval and early modern calligraphy, paintings and tea tools.


In fact, Shokoku-ji Temple was also open for special spring visits <Sunday, March 24, 2023 to Sunday, June 4, 2020, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm>, but this time I could not see it due to lack of time, but I would like to visit again if I have the opportunity. The museum inside this temple is forbidden to wear shoes, so we can walk barefoot on the carpeted floor, so it's very comfortable, we can leave our luggage, and it's also barrier-free. In addition, we can relax and appreciate the works of art in a quiet environment while gazing at the lush, spacious, and well-maintained garden!


京都滞在中に『南禅寺』へお参りに!/Visit to "Nanzenji" Temple during my stay in Kyoto!


南禅寺の正称は『瑞龍山太平興国南禅禅寺「ずいりゅうざんたいへいこうこくなんぜんぜんじ」』と呼ばれ、臨済宗南禅寺派大本山です。南禅寺で、最も有名な建造物が「三門」で、別名「天下龍門」とも呼ばれる南禅寺の三門は、「五鳳楼」と呼ばれる楼が美しく、日本三大門の1つと言われています。1295年に創立されましたが、火災で焼失し、今の三門は1628年に再建されたものの様です。今回、私は、上りませんでしたが、歴史的な古い急な階段を上って楼上へ行くと、22メートルの三門からは、高い建物がない京都市街を見渡すことが出来るようです。南禅寺三門は2階建てになっており、楼上内陣には、本尊宝冠釈迦座像「ほうかんしゃかざぞう」を主に、月蓋長者「がっかいちょうじゃ」、善財童士「ぜんざいどうじ」、十六羅僕「じゅうろくらぼく」と、本光国師徳川家康藤堂高虎の像が安置されています。 もう一つの大きな見所は、天井には鳳凰、天人の極彩色の図が描かれており、狩野探幽、土佐徳悦の作品と伝えられています。地上から、来訪者が三門楼上に登っているのが見えましたが、きっと京都市街の町並みや、初夏の緑豊かな南禅寺境内を見渡す事が出来るのだろうと想像しました。


南禅寺法堂/ Nanzenji Hodo, The dharma hall

本尊釈迦如来文殊菩薩普賢菩薩/Shaka Nyorai, Monju Bosatsu, and Fugen Bosatsu

今尾景年 作 幡龍/Keinen Imao, Hataryu



名勝庭園/Meisho Garden










Visit to "Nanzenji" Temple during my stay in Kyoto!


Early this month, I had a day trip to "Shijo Karasuma" in Kyoto, so I utilized the free time before and after that time to visit Nanzenji Temple, which is beautiful with new green leaves of pine and maple, aiming for a quiet time in the early morning.


・The official name of Nanzenji is Zuiryusan Taiheikokoku Nanzenzenji and it is the head temple of the Nanzenji branch of the Rinzai group of Buddhism. Nanzenji Temple's most famous structure is the 'Sanmon', also known as 'Tenka Ryumon'. The Sanmon is said to be one of Japan's three great gates, with a beautiful tower called "Gohoro". It was founded in 1295, but it was destroyed in a fire and then the current Sanmon Gate appears to have been rebuilt in 1628. I didn't go up this time, but if we go up the historic old steep stairs to the top of the tower, it seems that we could overlook the city of Kyoto without tall buildings from the 22-meter Sanmon gate. Nanzenji Sanmon is a two-story building and in the inner sanctuary on the top floor. There are mainly the Gakkai Choja,  Hokanshakazazo, the principal image of the crowned Shakyamuni Buddha, as well as the Gakka Ichoja, and Zenzai Doshi. The statues of Zenzaidouji, Jokukuraboku, Honko Kokushi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and Todo Takatora are preserved here. Another major highlight is the richly colored paintings of phoenixes and spiritual beings on the ceiling, which are perceived to be the works of Tanyu Kano and Tokuetsu Tosa. From the ground, I could notice visitors climbing to the top of the Sanmonro, and I imagined that I would be able to see the cityscape of Kyoto city and the Nanzenji precincts, where were lush with greenery in early summer. 


・At the center of Nanzen-ji Temple, there is "Hodo", if you pass through the Sanmon Gate and proceed to the back, the left and right roads leading from Sanmon to the Hodo Hall are beautiful young leaves at this time and we can enjoy the spectacular autumn leaves in autumn. The dharma hall is the central building of Nanzenji Temple and is the place where official memorial services are held. The current hall was rebuilt in 1909, and the roof was re-roofed and the floor tiles were replaced as part of the 700th anniversary of the death of Daimyo Kokushi in 1990. The ceiling was decorated by the masterpiece of Imao Keinen with a splendid dragon. The principal image of Shaka Nyorai, Monju Bosatsu, and Fugen Bosatsu are enshrined in the dharma hall. As we can see in the photos, we can glimpse the interior through the breach between the fences of the hall. 


・The Meisho Garden is a “Karesansui” garden said to have been made by Kobori Enshu, and it was designated as a national scenic spot in 1951. It is a garden with huge stones lying sideways called "Toranoko Watashi no Niwa".About Stones and moss amidst white sand, this well-maintained dry landscape garden was designed in the early Edo period by Masakazu Kobori, the first lord of the Omi Komuro domain. This garden is a typical pond style of the end of the Kamakura period, and it has been designated as one of Kyoto's Three Scenic Beauty Historic Site Gardens. I was able to appreciate the beautiful garden while making a circuit around this still-unpopular pond in the early hours of the morning.


・"Suirokaku" is the highlight of Nanzenji Temple, and the tourists from Japan and overseas gathered at "Suirokaku" to take pictures this time as well. In front of Nanzen-in Temple, it is an aqueduct on the precincts of Nanzen-ji Temple. The waterway passes over a brick, Roman-style arch bridge called Nanzenji Suirokaku, which was built in 1890. Suirokaku has 93.2m long, 4.06m wide and the waterway has 2.42m wideth. It is an arch pier structure made of bricks and granite. There seems to be that 2 tons of water from Lake Biwa still flows through Suirokaku every second.


・Lastly, Nanzenji Temple's sub-temple, Tenjuan, is famous for its beautiful view of the garden, especially during the fall foliage season. It was erected by Imperial permission of the Retired Emperor Kogon in 1339. There are two Japanese gardens to enjoy, the Chisen Kaiyu-shiki garden with a pond and lush trees, and the Karesansui garden with white sand covered with moss and lozenge-shaped tatami stones. This time, I couldn't visit it due to time, so I'm looking forward to revisiting the autumn leaves season together with enjoying Nanzenji's boiled tofu!


新緑の禅寺「曹源寺」へ / Go to the Sogenji, a Zen Temple in the fresh greenery!

曹源寺正門/Main Gate of Sogenji Temple









Go to the Sogenji, a Zen Temple in the fresh greenery!


The Sogenji Temple in Maruyama, Okayama City (Okayama Prefecture Designated Important Cultural Property) is the family temple of the Ikeda family of the Okayama Domain. (1698)  It is a Zen temple of the Rinzai denomination. First, when we enter the main gate, 100 pine trees are built in a straight line to the temple, and the beauty of harmony with the natural environment of the mountain behind is very impressive. The Sogenji is very quiet, and we can enjoy beautiful flowers and autumn leaves in each season. It seems that all the current monks are accepted from overseas. Daily, even in the city, we often come across monks from foreign countries doing alms.


As a group of buildings, it is called the main hall is the number 1 large building in Bizen. Facing the Buddhist Hall, there is a bell tower on the right and a drum tower on the left. Also, opposite to the Buddhist Hall, there is the Hojo on the right and behind the Hojo, there is a pond garden. The garden was created by Nagatada Tsuda by the orders of Mitsumasa Ikeda and there is also the Ikeda family cemetery. This time, I was able to take a leisurely stroll through the large garden in the beautiful season of fresh green. We weren't allowed to enter the building freely, but we were able to get a sense of the atmosphere when we saw the monks on duty from the temple chanting sutras and running together in outside. For those who can go sightseeing in Okayama, it is relatively close to the city area, therefore I would like to recommend visiting to a wonderful Zen temple for sightseeing.


和氣町「藤公園」へ/ To Wake cho "Fuji (Wisteria)Park"




和氣清麻呂(わけの きよまろ)733~799年

 奈良・平安初期の律令官人。 備前国藤野郡(現和町)の生まれ。


清麻呂/ Wake no Kiyomaro


和氣神社/ Wake Jinjya Shrine


To Wakecho "Fuji Park"

 At the beginning of golden week holidays in this year, I visited the "Fuji Festival" at Wake-cho Fuji Park in Wake, Okayama Prefecture. The Wisteria Park has a wisteria trellis with a width of 7m and a total length of 500m on a site of about 7,000 square meters. There are more than 100 kinds of wisteria from 46 prefectures in Japan, such as wisteria from Hakodate in the north and wisteria from Honshu in Kagoshima Prefecture in the south. I heard that wild wisteria don't live in Okinawa Prefecture. The Wisteria Flowers can be seen here and the wide variety of wisteria flowers has made it one of the largest tourist attractions in Japan.


Concerning Wake-cho, it is the birthplace of “Wake ​​no Kiyomaro” and in commemoration of the 1250th anniversary, the wisteria park was completed in 1985. It is also adjacent to Wake-jinja Shrine. The wisteria festival is held from late April to early May every year when the wisteria flowers are in full bloom. This year, it seems that the wisteria flowers bloomed earlier than usual. At night, there was a time for lighting up during the consecutive holidays, then there also were stages and stalls and it was crowded with tourists and locals. I enjoyed vivid purple, pink, and white wisteria flowers all over the country were in full bloom. In addition, Tokugawa Koinobori Co., Ltd. is also a production area for carp streamers, so the carp streamers were swimming here and there in the wind, which was so elegant!


■  Who is Wake no Kiyomaro ( 733-799) ? 

Ritsuryo official in Nara and the early Heian period. Born in Fujino County, Bizen Province (now Wake ​​Town).He was successful in the Rebellion of Emi no Oshikatsu and gained the trust of Emperor Shotoku, but because he thwarted Dokyo's plot in the 'Dokyo Incident', he was renamed 'Betsube no Okumaro' and exiled to Osumi Province (now Kagoshima).  iHe was pardoned with the enthronement of Emperor Konin.Kiyomaro was proficient in general affairs and was well-versed in ancient affairs and created the 20th volume "Yamato Uji Fu" of "Public Ministry’s Rules ". In addition, he was talented in civil engineering and worked hard as a shrine building specialist for the transfer of the capital to Heian. Furthermore, in his hometown of Bizen, he has made many achievements in reducing the burden on the citizens of the county and in relieving famine.


国立西洋美術館 『憧憬の地 ブルターニュ・モネ、ゴーギャン、黒田清輝らが見た異郷』を鑑賞!/At the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo, Admiring "Bretagne, the Land of Admiration - Overseas Country Senary by Monet, Gauguin, Seiki Kuroda, and Others"!









シャルル コッテ 悲観海の犠牲者 1908-09/ Charles Cottes A Victims of the Sea

小杉未醒 楽人と踊り子 1921/ Kosugi Misei Musicians & Dancers



個人的には、ブルターニュと言えば、そば粉のクレープ、クイニーアマンや、ゲロンドの塩(Sal de Guérande)、タラソテラピーの本場として思い浮かびます。以前、タラソテラピーでタラソドブルターニュの製品を愛用していたことがあります。今もゲロンドの塩はとても美味で利用しています!

*地図は、日仏文化協会より借用しました。/ The map is made of  the French-Japanese Cultural Association.

上野恩賜公園 桜/ Ueno Park Cherry Blossoms


■At the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo, Admiring "Bretagne, the Land of Admiration - Overseas Country Senary by Monet, Gauguin, Seiki Kuroda, and Others"!

I visited to the National Museum of Western Art to see the special exhibition currently being held from Saturday, March 18, 2023 to Sunday, June 11, 2023. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, the Bretagne region on the northwestern edge of France was visited by many painters of the same generation, including the famous post-impressionist French painter who drew beautiful the scenes and the backgrounds. With the Matsukata Collection of the National Museum of Western Art as its support, this exhibition presents works from multiple assemblies, such as the Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts, Kyoto Institute of Technology of Museum of Art and Crafts, Pola Museum of Art, Tokyo Bunka Research Institute, the National Museum of Modern Art, the Ohara Museum of Art and other over 20 art museums in Japan as well as private collections, and from overseas, the Musée d'Orsay. Therefore, 160 works reflecting culture and history are exhibited now.


Most notable in this exhibition were the 12 works by Paul Gauguin and masterpieces of Claude Monet, Alphonse Mucha, Paul Signac, Emile Bernard, Paul Sérusier, Henri Riviere, Maurice Denis, and Charles Cottet. , Lucien Simon, and André Daucher, Moreover, there were astonishing drawings of Japanese artists who traveled to France in the late Meiji and early Taisho periods.such as Seiki Kuroda, Tsuguharu Fujita, Keiichiro Kume, Heizo Kanayama, Hosaku Saito, Kunishiro Mitsutani, Misei Kosugi, Tsunetomo Morita, and Jutaro Kuroda. These drawings of Bretagne and French scenic spots were also worth seeing. Over 100 years ago, there were several old suitcases on display in the exhibition that were used by Japanese painters to travel abroad. Especially once I could imagine Japanese painters traveling to the West with only one suitcase by a long sea voyage, for just accumulating their own experience, creating thier own art and devoting themselves to flowering at that time, each work with different scenes and backgrounds left a more vivid impression a lot.   


■Regarding the Bretagne Region

Bretagne region is located in northwestern of France.Once independent as the Duchy of Bretagne, this area seems to be an exotic area where Breton culture is still alive. There are many private houses made of granite stone and half-timbered houses, covered with deep indigo blue roofs. It rains a lot throughout the year, but the sight of the wet cobblestones illuminated by the orange streetlights is said to be very atmospheric. Painters from Japan and abroad longed for this place with their beautiful natural scenic spot.


For me personally, when I imagine Bretagne, I think of buckwheat crepes and Kouign-Amann, the Guérande salt and the home of thalassotherapy. In the past, I used Thalasso de Bretagne's products for thalassotherapy, and I still use Gueronde's salt because it is very delicious.

“木村圭吾の世界展 咲き匂う桜たち” 展示会へ! /Keigo Kimura's World Exhibition “Blooming Cherry Blossoms" !

木村圭吾 1994 東京/ Keigo Kimura

木村圭吾 春宵祇園/Keigo Kimura

木村圭吾 野生の饗宴 滝桜/Keigo Kimura

木村圭吾 秋想譜/Keigo Kimura

木村圭吾 冬の陶酔/Keigo Kimura

木村圭吾 湖国旅愁/Keigo Kimura

■白壁造りの御屋敷と森に囲まれた静かな東京練馬区にある、光が丘美術館に、春期 1月7日(土)~3月26日(日) の展示に変わっていたので、訪れてみました。付近の森には、ちょうど木蓮や椿が咲き、金柑などもなっていて、暖かい天候のなかゆっくりと観覧も出来ました。今回はいずれも伝統的な日本画の木村圭吾氏のサクラをモチーフにした絵画を中心に、井上員男氏紙版画や、田中良忠氏「貝合わせ」なども展示がありました。美術館所蔵の木彫の釈迦如来像も立派でした。

木村圭吾 飛鳥の里/Keigo Kimura

木村圭吾 波濤/Keigo Kimura

木村圭吾 雪舞/Keigo Kimura

木村圭吾 軽井沢 里の道/Keigo Kimura

井上員男/ Kazuo Inoue 
井上員男/ Kazuo Inoue
井上員男/ Kazuo Inoue

■木村圭吾氏 略歴:

1944年 京都府生まれ

1963年 京都市立日吉ヶ丘高等学校日本画科卒業(旧京都市立美術工芸学校)

1974年 シェル美術賞展佳作賞受賞

1985年 第8回山種美術館賞展招待出品(第9回・第12回)

1993年 「両洋の眼展」出品(以降毎年)

1996年 第3回倉吉博物館菅楯彦大賞展市民賞受賞

1997年 「鐘韻燦花一遥かなる旅路一木村圭吾日本画集」(毎日新聞社)出版

1999年 NHK大河ドラマ元禄繚乱」装画・個展(箱根・芦ノ湖成川美術館)増上寺天井絵 奉納

2001年 法樂寺障壁画完成。

「法樂寺障壁画完成記念展一木村圭吾 日本画の世界」(大阪)

「森羅万象一ほとばしる生命 木村圭吾 日本画の世界」(淡交社刊)出版

2002年 薬師寺に散華奉納

2003年 「木村圭吾さくら美術館」(静岡県長泉町)開館 

そごう横浜店「桜花紀行 木村圭吾日本画展」

2006年 5月5日、「老桜その命」(NHK総合)で、木村圭吾の作品と「山高神代桜」が放映

フランス カンヌ市・静岡市姉妹都市15周年記念特別展「天と地 日本画家木村圭

吾の世界展千年桜と聖龍」 (フランス カンヌ市・エスパス・ミラマール)

2007年 シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユドラリオンスペシャルサポーター参加



「天と地 千年桜と聖龍」凱旋帰国特別展(静岡)

「天と地 悠久の花舞台」(船橋)

「天と地 千年桜と聖龍木村圭吾日本画展」(そごう横浜店)

2008年 「悠久の花舞台」個展(大阪)


2009年 アートホール完成

倉吉トリエンナーレ美術賞回顧展 「両洋の眼展」20回展「龍の起源」出展

2010年 四季回廊・悠久の花舞台一木村圭吾日本画の世界展

2011年 光の回廊一木村圭吾展各地巡回


「煌めく大地」木村圭吾日本画の世界展(近鉄百貨店 阿倍野店)

2013年 木村圭吾展各地巡回

2018年 「美の宇宙(アートのコスモス)」木村圭吾画業50周年記念展(平野美術館) 


井上員男氏 略歴:
1932年香川県生れ 香川大学教育学部美術科卒 



2006年ペーパー・ドライポイント特許取得 文芸誌「アルプ」の同人としても活躍した


■田中良忠氏 略歴:

・1985年 - 東京の銀座松屋にて初個展、以後 39回の個展開催。主な個展画廊、横浜高島


新宿高島屋、玉川高島屋、(四国)松山高島屋、(浜松)遠鉄百貨店、(麹町) 裏千家


・(岡山)天満屋本店 (京都)瀬戸内寂聴先生所有の町屋(羅紗庵)にて4年連続、4回


・ニューヨーク 日本クラブにて2度の個展を開催。


・1994年、東京練馬区、光が丘美術館。「平家物語」 「花鳥風月12か月」を納入。

・1989年 - 外務省から派遣され、アメリカのシアトルとニューオリンズの州立美術館にて


・1991年 - 高円宮殿下に作品(内裏雛)を御献上。

・1997年-テレビ朝日 ( 徹子の部屋 )に出演。

・2000年、2006年 - NHK「世界ハート展」2度作画出品。

・2012年4月 ニューヨーク The Nippon Gallery at The Nippon Club(日本クラブ)にて


・2015年9月 第二回、ニューヨーク展、日本クラブにて開催


光が丘美術館/Hikarigaoka Art Museum


Keigo Kimura's World Exhibition “Blooming Cherry Blossoms Exhibits"

■ I visited the Hikarigaoka Museum of Art, which is located in a quiet residential area in Nerima-ku of Tokyo surrounded by white-walled mansions and forests. The art exhibition had changed to a spring exhibition from January 7th to March 26th in 2023. In the nearby forest, magnolias and camellias were just blooming and kumquats were growing too. This time, the exhibition focused on traditional Japanese paintings as main motif of Cherry Blossoms by Mr. Keigo Kimura as well as paper prints by Mr. Kazuo Inoue and Mr. Yoshitada Tanaka's "Kaiawase".

At the same time, the wooden statue of Shaka Nyorai “Budda” owned by the museum was also splendid.


イタリア建築家ガエ・アウレンティ展示会とドメニコ・ノルディオ ヴァイオリン・リサイタルへ/ Enjoy Italian architect, Gae Aulenti ‘ s Exhibition & Domenico Nordio’s Violin Recital

Gae Aulenti 建築/ Gae Aulenti ‘ s Design

先日、東京都九段にある1959年よりあるイタリア文化会館へ、2005年に新たに竣工した当建築の設計を担当した「ガエ・アウレンティの展示会」と、イタリアからの「ヴァイオリンニスト、ドメニコ・ノルディオ氏 リサイタル」へ行って来ました。当会館は、イタリア外務省機関で、世界88のイタリア文化会館のひとつで、イタリア文化普及と、日伊文化交流振興を目的に運営されています。今回リサイタルのあったホールは、372名を収容し、幅広い文化催事設備となっています。こちらでは、随時コンサート、映画、講演、展覧会などの開催や、イタリア語講座、イタリア専門図書室なども一般に開放しているようです。現地に行くには、九段下駅より徒歩10分程で、桜の名所の千鳥ヶ淵九段会館、武道館、靖国神社を通って行けます。


今回初めて、ドメニコ・ノルディオさんの演奏をお聴きしましたが、世界中での演奏経験を積み重ねられ、熟練の力強く繊細な、今迄に聞いたことのない、現代的なヴァイオリン楽曲も楽しむことが出来ました。 普段の仕事の後に、こうした素敵な場所で、ライブを聴くのは久しぶりで、心身ともリフレッシュして有意義な時間が過ごせました!



■Domenico Nordio’s Bach , Accademia Musicale 



Gae Aulenti デザイン照明/ Gae Aulenti ‘ s Design Lump




タルティニアーナ 第2番(1955-56)



■Enjoy Italian architect, Gae Aulenti ‘ s Exhibition and Domenico Nordio’s Violin Recital

The other day, I visited at the Italian Cultural Institute in Kudan in Tokyo, which has been in place since 1959. I went to enjoy the "Exhibition of Gae Aulenti", who was in charge of the design of this newly completed building in 2005 as well as the mini concert of Violinist Domenico Nordio from Italy.  This hall is an institution of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is one of the 88 Italian Cultu ral Centers in the world. It is operated for the purpose of spreading Italian culture and promoting cultural exchange between Japan and Italy. The hall, where the recital was held this time, accommodates 372 seats and serves as a facility for a wide range of cultural events. In our cultural center, concerts, movies, lectures, exhibitions are held from time to time and Italian language courses, Italian specialized library are also open to the public.


This was my first time listening to Domenico Nordio's performance. I was able to enjoy listening to many contemporary violin pieces that are skillful, powerful, delicate at this time, through his extended experience of performing all over the world. It's been a long time since I listened to a live performance in such a wonderful place after my usual work. So, I was able to spend a wonderful time refreshing my mind! !


To reach to this site, it takes about 10 minutes on foot from Kudanshita Station and we can go through Chidorigafuchi of a famous cherry blossom spot, Kudan Kaikan, Budokan and Yasukuni Shrine.


Violin: Mr. Domenico Nordio                          Piano: Ms. Shiho Misawa 


Luigi Dallapiccola (1904-1975)

Tartiniana No. 2 (1955-56)

Claude Debussy (1862-1918)

Violin Sonata (1916)

Ferruccio Busoni (1866-1924)

Violin Sonata No. 2 (1898)