京都滞在中に『南禅寺』へお参りに!/Visit to "Nanzenji" Temple during my stay in Kyoto!


南禅寺の正称は『瑞龍山太平興国南禅禅寺「ずいりゅうざんたいへいこうこくなんぜんぜんじ」』と呼ばれ、臨済宗南禅寺派大本山です。南禅寺で、最も有名な建造物が「三門」で、別名「天下龍門」とも呼ばれる南禅寺の三門は、「五鳳楼」と呼ばれる楼が美しく、日本三大門の1つと言われています。1295年に創立されましたが、火災で焼失し、今の三門は1628年に再建されたものの様です。今回、私は、上りませんでしたが、歴史的な古い急な階段を上って楼上へ行くと、22メートルの三門からは、高い建物がない京都市街を見渡すことが出来るようです。南禅寺三門は2階建てになっており、楼上内陣には、本尊宝冠釈迦座像「ほうかんしゃかざぞう」を主に、月蓋長者「がっかいちょうじゃ」、善財童士「ぜんざいどうじ」、十六羅僕「じゅうろくらぼく」と、本光国師徳川家康藤堂高虎の像が安置されています。 もう一つの大きな見所は、天井には鳳凰、天人の極彩色の図が描かれており、狩野探幽、土佐徳悦の作品と伝えられています。地上から、来訪者が三門楼上に登っているのが見えましたが、きっと京都市街の町並みや、初夏の緑豊かな南禅寺境内を見渡す事が出来るのだろうと想像しました。


南禅寺法堂/ Nanzenji Hodo, The dharma hall

本尊釈迦如来文殊菩薩普賢菩薩/Shaka Nyorai, Monju Bosatsu, and Fugen Bosatsu

今尾景年 作 幡龍/Keinen Imao, Hataryu



名勝庭園/Meisho Garden










Visit to "Nanzenji" Temple during my stay in Kyoto!


Early this month, I had a day trip to "Shijo Karasuma" in Kyoto, so I utilized the free time before and after that time to visit Nanzenji Temple, which is beautiful with new green leaves of pine and maple, aiming for a quiet time in the early morning.


・The official name of Nanzenji is Zuiryusan Taiheikokoku Nanzenzenji and it is the head temple of the Nanzenji branch of the Rinzai group of Buddhism. Nanzenji Temple's most famous structure is the 'Sanmon', also known as 'Tenka Ryumon'. The Sanmon is said to be one of Japan's three great gates, with a beautiful tower called "Gohoro". It was founded in 1295, but it was destroyed in a fire and then the current Sanmon Gate appears to have been rebuilt in 1628. I didn't go up this time, but if we go up the historic old steep stairs to the top of the tower, it seems that we could overlook the city of Kyoto without tall buildings from the 22-meter Sanmon gate. Nanzenji Sanmon is a two-story building and in the inner sanctuary on the top floor. There are mainly the Gakkai Choja,  Hokanshakazazo, the principal image of the crowned Shakyamuni Buddha, as well as the Gakka Ichoja, and Zenzai Doshi. The statues of Zenzaidouji, Jokukuraboku, Honko Kokushi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and Todo Takatora are preserved here. Another major highlight is the richly colored paintings of phoenixes and spiritual beings on the ceiling, which are perceived to be the works of Tanyu Kano and Tokuetsu Tosa. From the ground, I could notice visitors climbing to the top of the Sanmonro, and I imagined that I would be able to see the cityscape of Kyoto city and the Nanzenji precincts, where were lush with greenery in early summer. 


・At the center of Nanzen-ji Temple, there is "Hodo", if you pass through the Sanmon Gate and proceed to the back, the left and right roads leading from Sanmon to the Hodo Hall are beautiful young leaves at this time and we can enjoy the spectacular autumn leaves in autumn. The dharma hall is the central building of Nanzenji Temple and is the place where official memorial services are held. The current hall was rebuilt in 1909, and the roof was re-roofed and the floor tiles were replaced as part of the 700th anniversary of the death of Daimyo Kokushi in 1990. The ceiling was decorated by the masterpiece of Imao Keinen with a splendid dragon. The principal image of Shaka Nyorai, Monju Bosatsu, and Fugen Bosatsu are enshrined in the dharma hall. As we can see in the photos, we can glimpse the interior through the breach between the fences of the hall. 


・The Meisho Garden is a “Karesansui” garden said to have been made by Kobori Enshu, and it was designated as a national scenic spot in 1951. It is a garden with huge stones lying sideways called "Toranoko Watashi no Niwa".About Stones and moss amidst white sand, this well-maintained dry landscape garden was designed in the early Edo period by Masakazu Kobori, the first lord of the Omi Komuro domain. This garden is a typical pond style of the end of the Kamakura period, and it has been designated as one of Kyoto's Three Scenic Beauty Historic Site Gardens. I was able to appreciate the beautiful garden while making a circuit around this still-unpopular pond in the early hours of the morning.


・"Suirokaku" is the highlight of Nanzenji Temple, and the tourists from Japan and overseas gathered at "Suirokaku" to take pictures this time as well. In front of Nanzen-in Temple, it is an aqueduct on the precincts of Nanzen-ji Temple. The waterway passes over a brick, Roman-style arch bridge called Nanzenji Suirokaku, which was built in 1890. Suirokaku has 93.2m long, 4.06m wide and the waterway has 2.42m wideth. It is an arch pier structure made of bricks and granite. There seems to be that 2 tons of water from Lake Biwa still flows through Suirokaku every second.


・Lastly, Nanzenji Temple's sub-temple, Tenjuan, is famous for its beautiful view of the garden, especially during the fall foliage season. It was erected by Imperial permission of the Retired Emperor Kogon in 1339. There are two Japanese gardens to enjoy, the Chisen Kaiyu-shiki garden with a pond and lush trees, and the Karesansui garden with white sand covered with moss and lozenge-shaped tatami stones. This time, I couldn't visit it due to time, so I'm looking forward to revisiting the autumn leaves season together with enjoying Nanzenji's boiled tofu!