京都滞在中に「承天閣美術館」を鑑賞!/ Through my stay in Kyoto, enjoyed seeing the Jotenkaku Museum, which houses works by Jakuchu Ito, Okyo Maruyama, and Tohaku Hasegawa!

相国寺承天閣美術館/ The  Jotenkaku Museum 

相国寺/ The Shokokuji Temple

南禅寺を訪れた同日、夕刻からの空き時間を利用して、地下鉄烏丸線今出川駅』の京都御所同志社大学近くにある「相国寺」付属の承天閣美術館を訪れました。今回は、『禅寺に伝わるものがたり Ⅰ期:仏教説話と漢故事』が開催されていました。現在は、二期展示にあたり『女性と仏教』が5/28(日)~7/17(日)まで開催されています。相国寺は、明徳3年(1392)に夢窓疎石を開山とし、室町幕府第三代将軍足利義満によって創建された臨済宗相国寺派大本山です。京都五山の第二位に位置し、絶海中津や横川景三と言う五山文学を代表する禅僧や、如拙・周文・雪舟らの日本水墨画の規範を築いた画僧を多く輩出、地理的にも文化的にもかつて京都の中心だったようです。









■Through my stay in Kyoto, enjoyed seeing the Jotenkaku Museum, which houses works by Jakuchu Ito, Okyo Maruyama, and Tohaku Hasegawa! 


On the same day that I visited Nanzenji Temple, I utilized my free time from the evening to visit to the Jotenkaku Museum close to the Kyoto Imperial Palace at Imadegawa Station on the subway Karasuma Line which is attached to Shokokuji Temple just adjacent Doshisha University. This time, "Tales from Zen Temples Phase I: Buddhist Stories and Chinese Legends" was being held. At present, "Women and Buddhism" is also being held from 5/28 (Sun) to 7/17 (Sun) for the second exhibition. The Shokokuji Temple is the head temple of the Shokokuji School of Rinzai Buddhism, founded in 1392 by Soseki Muso and Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, the third shogun of the Muromachi Dictatorship. It is located in the second place of Kyoto Gozan, and it has produced many Zen priests such as Zekkai Nakatsu and Yokogawa Keizo, who are  represent Gozan literature, and painter priests such as Josetsu, Shubun, and Sesshu who established the standard of Japanese ink painting. Geographically and culturally, it also used to be the center of Kyoto. 


■The History of Shokokuji

In fact, Shokoku-ji was destroyed by fire many times, and in the Onin War, most of the temple was destroyed by fire because it became the base of the Hosokawa clan. In 1584 (Tensho 12), Jota Saisho, who became the 92nd Chief Priest, was appointed by Hideyoshi Toyotomi in 1605 (Keicho 10), many halls were rebuilt with the support of Hideyori Toyotomi. It seems that reconstruction has progressed, but it suffered from multiple fires and most of the buildings except the hall were destroyed by fire in 1788 (Tenmei 8). At the beginning of the Meiji era, the trend of 'abolition of Buddhism' and the decrease in the temple's territory put it in a difficult situation. With the power of the 126th Dokuen Shoju, it is now the head temple of the Shokoku-ji as School of Rinzai Buddhism and it has nearly 100 temples of the Shokoku-ji school. This museum houses works handed down to the sub-temples of Shokoku-ji, Kinkaku-ji, and Ginkaku-ji over a history of about 600 years. There are 5 National Treasures, 145 Important Cultural Properties, including 5 National Treasures. It seems that they have a large number of cultural assets such as 145 Important Cultural Properties, and Medieval and early modern calligraphy, paintings and tea tools.


In fact, Shokoku-ji Temple was also open for special spring visits <Sunday, March 24, 2023 to Sunday, June 4, 2020, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm>, but this time I could not see it due to lack of time, but I would like to visit again if I have the opportunity. The museum inside this temple is forbidden to wear shoes, so we can walk barefoot on the carpeted floor, so it's very comfortable, we can leave our luggage, and it's also barrier-free. In addition, we can relax and appreciate the works of art in a quiet environment while gazing at the lush, spacious, and well-maintained garden!