大人気『倉敷ノッティング』のご紹介/About Popular Handicraft "Kurashiki Knotting"
2022年 11/1(火)~6日(日)「倉敷本染手織会作品展」倉敷民藝館へ
さらに幸運なことに、会場の説明員の方の御計らいで、倉敷本染手織研究所・石上梨影子先生を御紹介頂き、お話しする機会を得ました。今回特に見学したかった「倉敷ノッティング」とは、昔は、日本には椅子に座る習慣はなかったけれど、次第に生活様式の変化から、創設者の外村氏が先を見越して椅子敷として、倉敷ノッティングを考案されたと言うことです。織り方自体は、日本の特有のものではなく、世界中にあるもので、外村氏が特にペルシャ文化に通じていたからとの由来もお聞きすることが出来ました。 倉敷ノッティングそのものは、手で触ってみると毛が滑らかだけれど、頑丈に分厚く織られており、おしりをしっかりと安定させ冷えからも守ってくれる民藝の椅子敷です。
『倉敷本染手織研究所』倉敷本染手織り会 とは?
About the popular handicraft "Kurashiki Knotting"
"Kurashiki Dyeing Spinning & Weaving Studio Exhibition" at Kurashiki Mingeikan 11/1 (Tue) - 6 (Sun), 2022
During this visit to Okayama, I was privileged enough to have the opportunity to familiarity Kurashiki Knotting, which has been on my mind for a long time. On the first day of the exhibition, I visited the Kurashiki Mingei Museum to see the exhibition of works by graduates and research students of the Kurashiki Dyeing Spinning & Weaving Studio. As soon as I entered the entrance, many people who seemed to be graduates and fans were listening to the explanation of the works and chatting with each other. Around 800 items such as shawls, made of hand-dyed hand-woven cotton, silk, and wool, chairs, centerpieces, etc. are introduced and sold.
Thanks to the kindness of the guide at the venue,luckily, I was introduced to Ms. Rieko Ishigami of the Kurashiki Dyeing Spinning & Weaving Studio.and I had the opportunity to speak with her. The origin of Kurashiki Notting is that in the past, there was no custom of sitting on a chair in Japan, but due to changes in lifestyles, the founder Mr. Tonomura foresaw the future and proposed to use it as a chair mat. It is to say that Kurashiki Knotting was not invented. The weaving method itself is not unique to Japan, but can be found all over the world. The Kurashiki Knotting itself is a folk art chair mat that when you touch it, the fur is smooth, but it is woven strongly and thickly, stabilizing the buttocks and protecting them from the cold. When I told Ms. Ishigami of my objectives to introduce these Japanese arts and handicrafts to overseas, she warmly and kindly encouraged me to visit her studio next time. The next time I visit Kurashiki, I am sure to conduct a full-scale interview about "Kurashiki Knotting", will explore its appeal and will deliver in-depth information to people.
What is the Kurashiki Dyeing Spinning & Weaving Studio?
A research and instruction facility for hand weaving techniques located in Kurashiki City, in Okayama Prefecture. In 1953, Mr. Kichinosuke Tonomura opened his house and established it as the “Kurashiki Folk Crafts Museum Attached Craft Research Institute''. As a school to nurture craftsmen who can weave cloth with a healthy and unobtrusive beauty, rather than providing private training or hobby. They accept trainees as a school to train craftsmen who can weave healthy and beautiful cloth. They continue to create products that are durable and useful. For more than 70 years, they have been cultivating the makers of practical everyday items such as clothing fabrics, wrapping cloths, cushions, cloth bags, obi belts, cords, and rugs using cotton, linen, silk, and wool.