🎍2023 謹賀新年/ Happy New Year🎌



昨年11月こちらのブログを始めてから、まだ間もないですが、以前から私を見守ってくださり、この度も記事を読んでくださっている方、また新しくこちらでご縁を頂いている方、志を共にしてくださった方、貴重な時をご一緒してくださった方, 本当にありがとうございました。<(_ _)>











Happy new year!


It hasn't been long since I started this blog in November last year.

I would like to express my gratitude to those who have been watching over me for a long time and reading my articles since started, those who are new to me here, those who shared my aspirations and then those who spent precious time with me. 


I wish you all good health and happiness in the new year.


Thank you for your continued support this year!


I visited Meiji Shrine earlier at the end of 2022.


It was the end of the year at Meiji Jingu Shrine in Tokyo and they were preparing for the New Year’s event. The chief priests also seemed to be busy having meetings. Also, this place is always crowded with foreign tourists and regular visitors with blessed with greenery, which is rare in the city. Taking a deep breath of the cold air while stepping on the pebbles and walking through the lush winter trees and flowers was exhilarating. At the same time, I also thought that we should not forget to pray for the peace of the world and to be grateful for the peacetime in our daily lives.