人生にかかせないもの ARTとYOGAについて/ Essentials in life/ ART and YOGA






ヨガとの出会いは、2015年頃、仕事の転勤で新しい環境に引っ越し、それまではスポーツジムに通っていたのですが、近くに通い易いヨガ教室があり、週3~4日は熱心に通っていました。その後、ヨガの神髄であるヴェーダ Vedaを知り、深く学びたいと考えていたところ、Maneesh Kalra先生を知り*アシュタンガヨガをもとに*アーサナ(様々なポーズ)のみならず、ヨガ哲学を教えるSTTCStudent Teacher Training Course )のインストラクター養成クラスに参加しました。ヴェーダ Vedaとは、古代の聖典群で、紀元前1,500年ころから長い時間をかけて伝承・編纂されたインド文化の源泉と言われる神聖な文献のことです。










*「今日、どれだけ“自分”と向き合いましたか? 夜眠れないなど睡眠の悩みは“心ここにあらず”の生活パターンがつくりだしているかもしれません。心地よい眠りに誘い、生活の質を変えるヨガの呼吸法を紹介します。」




「パタンジャリ」と言う、ヨガを体系化した聖人がいるのですが、ヨガの父と呼ばれています。パタンジャリの『ヨガスートラ』と呼ばれる196編の格言でヨガを明確に述べているものを、先生が簡単にまとめているのでご紹介します。ヨガは、身体の健康の動きだけでなく、人の営みに役立つ叡智と、意識にとつて大切なことを教えくれます。 日常私たちは、ほとんどの時間を、自分の外の世界に集中し、外にあるものを求めようとしますが、ヨガを始めると、自分の内側に集中するようになり、大切なものを自分自身に見付けるように意識が変わってきて、良い習慣が身についてくるのです。また機会がありましたら、ヨガのことも紹介してみたいと思います。















Essentials in life/ ART and YOGA

■For those who read this, what is indispensable in life and daily life?

I think that there will be various things such as School, Work, Housework, Child Rearing, Nursing, Hobbies, Studies, and Lessons, which are essential routines in daily life, must be the main axis of daily life. I think once we spend so much time for these routines, our consciousness and thoughts become the patterns without us realizing it, and we don't have time to explore ourselves. Then, we can't afford to take care of ourselves, bit if we regain our strength to our original self and get rid of our stress and worries, we will be truly healed. And from that freedom, I believe that we are able to increase the strength to cherish and love the people around us. For me, what is essential in life is not only eating and sleeping well-balanced, but also moving my body. For the past 8 years, I have practiced yoga and meditation even for a short period of time every day. In addition, to involve and enjoy art is cultivating creativity from the stimulation of the five senses by feeling deep emotion, and spending a slow and calm time alone or with family and close friends in a place where I can feel the great nature.


About YOGA

My first encounter with yoga was around 2015 when I moved to a new environment due to a company transfer. Until then, I used to go to a sports gym, then there was a yoga class nearby that was easy to go to, so I could go 4-5 days a week. After that, I hoped to learn about Veda, which is the essence of yoga more deeply. Luckily, I met. Maneesh Kalra sensei who teaches not only *Asana (various poses), but also yoga philosophy based on *Ashtanga yoga. I have been participated in a training class of STTC (Student Teacher Training Course). Veda is a group of ancient scriptures, sacred and important documents. .It is said to be the source of Indian culture that have been handed down and compiled over a long period of time since around 1,500 BC.


The teacher was born into a traditional Indian family in Canada, the teacher majored in pharmacology in an environment of values ​​based on yoga philosophy and deepened his knowledge of the body from a scientific point of view. In India, he learned Yoga, Ayurveda and Sanskrit. In the class, we remotely connected live video with high priests in India, show the state of the Indian festival called Daywali in the new moon and we learned the cultural and traditional things and atmosphere in the classes.


In the spring of 2020, due to the Coronavirus, I had to take a break from the course because it had to switch to remote classes after the classes were suspended. In this coming December, face-to-face classes will restart, and the teacher sent me videos of the dozens of hours of lessons that I had been absent from. I've been doing yoga at home during absence, but now that I'm watching the yoga videos again, I'm remembering poses, vocabulary, and mantras, but I'm forgetting a lot. Actually, right now, I'm very nervous before a full-fledged lesson after a long time・・・ 


About Patanjali

■The saint who systematized yoga, is called the father of yoga. Patanjali's 196 aphorisms called "Yoga Sutras" that clearly describe yoga are summarized in one page by the teacher. Yoga is not only moves the body, but also teaches important things for all human activities and consciousness. Most of the time we spend most of our time focusing on the world outside of us, seeking out what is outside of us. Once you make yoga a routine,Consciousness changes, as we try to find yourself, and we are able to acquire good habits.


”Through yoga (chitta) the impurities of the mind

Resolve communication deficiencies through grammar

Remove body impurities through Ayurveda

Bow in honor of the sage Patanjali who removed them all” 


*Ashtanga Yoga

An energetic yoga as moves the body vigorously, Tirumala Krishnamacharya, who is called the "Father of Ashtanga," created the foundation, and his disciple, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, added a modern arrangement to the yoga.


Asana has the meaning of “sitting” and refers to the way of sitting for meditation, “zaho”, but the origin of yoga seems to have the meaning of connecting, and the original purpose of yoga is “to connect God and self”. In order to reach this state of enlightenment, it is necessary to suppress the workings of the mind, let go of one's narrow way of looking at things, and meditate to see the world broadly and deeply.