梅まつりへ / Go to the Plum Festival



椿/ Cameria


クリスマスローズ/Christmas Rose


■Go to the Plum Festival

On a warm day in March 2023, I visited to a plum festival held in a nearby park. It is recorded that there was a castle in this area for a long ago and there are festival ceremonies with parades that children dressed as warriors from the Sengoku period. Moreover ,visitors enjoyed seeing other activities such as dances, performances, playing music, dances, Hula and Tahitian dances. The sun is staring to look like spring day by day.


『武相荘』白洲次郎・正子夫妻の旧白洲邸 へ / To "Former Shirasu Residence” of Mr. & Mrs. Shirasu, called “Buaiso"  


武相荘母屋/ Buaiso, Main Building





・白洲雅子 は妻。昭和60年11月28日死去。83歳。兵庫県出身。ケンブリッジ大卒。


白洲次郎 書籍/ Mr. Jiro Shirasu's books (from home page of Buaiso)  










武相荘 レストラン・カフェ/ Buaiso restaurant cafe


武相荘 エビカレー/ Buaiso shrimp curry

1916年型 米車 ペイジ・グレンブルック/ Six-38/ In 1916, US Paige Glenbrook





To "Former Shirasu Residence” of Mr. & Mrs. Shirasu, called “Buaiso"  

・Who are Jiro Shirasu and Masako Shirasu?

1902-1985. A businessman in the Showa period. Born on February 17, 1902. Grandson of Shirasu Taizo. Before the war, he served as an officer of Japan Shokuhin Kogyo and other companies. After the war, as a close aide to Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, he successively served as deputy director of the post-war liaison office and the first director-general of the Foreign Trade Agency. Advisor to Plenipotentiary of the San Francisco Peace Conference in 1951.

He served as chairman of Tohoku Electric Power Co., Ltd. and Osawa Shokai Co., Ltd.

[Proverbs.] Posthumous name not required, funeral not required (will)

・Masako Shirasu is his wife. Died November 28, 1985. 83 years old. Born in Hyogo prefecture. Graduated from Cambridge University.


"Buaiso",  Machida City Historic Site/ Tokyo

・The mansion in Machida City where the couple lived is now a historic site in Machida City and it is open to the public as a memorial and museum. I visited it from Tokyo. If you use public transportation, it is about 15 to 20 minutes on foot from Tsurukawa Station on the Odakyu Line, in a hilly residential area.The name of this unique mansion is said to have been named "Buaiso" because it is located on the border of Musashi and Sagam with Kanji character meaning of "Bu"="武” and one more ”Buaiso" means "unfriendly" in Japanese by Mr. Shirasu's sharp joke.


Mr. and Mrs. Shirasu moved here in 1943 to prepare for food shortages caused by the war and while working in agriculture, they were active as commissioners of the Trade Agency and as businessmen. Mrs. Shirasu has a wealth of knowledge about the arts and culture and she is famous for being the first woman to perform on a Noh stage. It is told that many celebrities such as intellectuals and politicians gathered at this mansion to respect the couple.


Buaiso is located on a small hill in a quiet residential area, passing through a relatively large parking lot and in the mountains of coppice, gardens and bamboo groves. In the thatched-roof main building surrounded by nature, seasonal exhibitions and events (antique market, mini-concerts, lectures on art and culture etc.) are always planned. Taking pictures is prohibited in the main building, so details cannot be confirmed unless you are on site. However, it's an old and rare sight that the couple's favorite items, the study (collection of books covering a wide variety of fields) and the antiques are hardly ever displayed.


The attached shop sells valuable items unique to Buaiso from practical items to valuable antiques. In the restaurant cafe, which used to be the place of the "workroom" in the adjacent building, the home where the couple spent most of their lives, the interior, the dining style, and the Shirasu family's home cooking with the advice of the eldest daughter seems to have been reproduced on the menu of this restaurant at the present time.


Mr. Shirasu grew up in a Western-style environment and studied abroad at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. Even under the power of US army, it seems that he showed a firm stance through his own assertions. Even in the life of Buaiso, I felt a unique aesthetic sense in various parts and I could catch a glimpse of the sense of beauty and values ​​in the items around them in everyday life. The carefully maintained main house with a tiled roof, traditional Japanese houses with large beams, hearths and porches, beautiful bamboo groves, red and white plum blossoms, red, pink, and red camellias are all very impressive. If we visit in different seasons, we will be able to enjoy seasonal trees, flowers and landscapes, as well as special exhibitions.


現代日本画美術館 『郷さくら美術館』へ! / To the "Sato Sakura Museum", specializing in contemporary Japanese paintings !


赤富士 山中湖 2018年, Red Fuji, Yamanakako in 2018/(高校生の時に訪れ朝4時に見た光景、美しさより畏敬の念を持った)(Mt. Fuji,  saw from Yamanakako at 4 in the morning upon the artist's youth.)



建築物は、大井立夫設計工房とblue studioの共同設計の様で、郷さくら美術館のロゴをモチーフにした素焼き有孔タイルを積上げた外観で、タイルの隙間から入り込む光は階段へさらに差し込むよう工夫が施され、外観よりも、屋内は意外と広い空間に感じることが出来ました。

       舟唄 イタリア・ベニス 2017年/ Funauta, Venice, Italy, in 2017                                         (朝日が昇り始め光の中へ消えて行ったゴンドラ。)

      桂林雨後 中国桂林 2008年/After rain in Guilin, China Guilin in 2008                 (奇山が霞む霧の中はこの世の者とは思えぬ光景太陽が差し込むと一筋の光が降りました。)

雪月華 2021/ Setsugekka 2021

布達拉宮, 中国・チベット 2000年   (凛々しく聳え立つポタラ宮は4Cにラサのポタラ山に創建されました。ダライラマの宮殿で最高政府の建物。チベットの人々にとり神聖な廟。)/Potala Palace China・Tibet  in 2000 



松村先生は、制作において、一番に取材を重要視されており、取材で訪れた国内外の自然・風景・人々との出会いを通じて、直接に得られた感動を各作品へと発展させておられるようです。 本展は、学生時代から足繁く取材した津軽海峡や、その生活風景群や、30歳で初めての海外取材で、インド・ネパールを訪問したのを機に、30ヵ国程を旅して体験し描いた作品、またご自身の原点である故郷奈良や、日本の美しい四季の風景美を写実的に描いた作品や、直に出逢った人々を描写し、幻想的で、印象的な、生命力に満ちた、中型から大型の33点の様々な作品群を、時代ごとの画風の変遷と共に、鑑賞することが出来ました。今展覧会は、2023年2月26日(日)まで開催されています。

昇 愛知県長久手町 どんと焼 1993年/Shou, Nagakute Aichi, Dontoyaki in 1993

熊野古道 和歌山県熊野市 2014年/Kumano Kodo, Kumano City, Wakayama , in 2014

           刻 中国・チベット 1994年/Toki China, Tibet, in 1994                                 (日焼けしたチベットの老女。その人の歴史が刻まれた見事な顔の皺。                                          その記憶を頼りに描いた。)

粧 1991年/ Sho in 1991

春待つ 新潟県 妙高高原 2016年/Waiting for Spring, Myoko Kogen, Niigata in 2016

群 中国・チベット 1996年/ Mure, China・Tibet in 1996

                                     想 愛知県 (バレリーナにアトリエで様々なポーズを依頼)/               Sou, Aichi Prefecture (Requesting various poses from ballerinas at the atelier)



冬音春気 2009年, 朝露朝顔 2021年/      Sounds of Winter and Air of Spring in 2009,                           Morning Glory with Dewdrop in 2021


漁婦, 青森県下北半島 1972年/Fisherman, Aomori, Shimokita Peninsula, in 1972

カンガ インド・ベルナス 1979年/Kanga, India Bernas in1979

野分 1996 年/ Autum Field (Storm) in 1996

愛、中国・チベット1991年/ Love, China Tibet. in 1991

漁火 1999年, Fishing  Fire in 1999


■松村公嗣先生 略歴

1948年 奈良県生まれ

1974年 愛知県立芸術大学大学院修了 片岡球子に師事

1975年 山種美術館賞展 人気賞

1979年 第34回春の院展 奨励賞 (’84, ’87, ’92, ’94)

1986年 再興第71回院展 奨励賞(’91, ’93, ’94, ’95, ’96, ’97)

1989年 第10回山種美術館賞展 買上


1995年 第50回春の院展 春季展賞(’96)


1997年 第52回春の院展 外務大臣

1998年 日本美術院同人推挙

2000年 愛知県立芸術大学日本画教授就任(〜2018年3月退任)

2004年 再興第89回院展 文部科学大臣

2007年 再興第92回院展 内閣総理大臣


2010年 絵本『すみ鬼にげた』にて第57回産経児童出版文化賞美術賞


2011年 『文藝春秋』表紙絵を担当(1月号〜)

2013年 愛知県立芸術大学学長就任(〜2018年3月退任)

2018年 松村公嗣 日本画展—時を感じて—(日本橋三越本店/東京都)

2019年 愛知県立芸術大学 学長退任記念 松村公嗣展—巡る—(松坂屋美術館/愛知県)

現在 日本美術院・理事同人、愛知県立芸術大学名誉教授


郷さくら美術館/ The Sato Sakura Museum







■To the "Sato Sakura Museum", specializing in contemporary Japanese paintings

・The Sakura Museum Tokyo opened in March 2012 in Nakameguro of Tokyo and it is located right near the Meguro River, where is popular for cherry blossom viewing. It seems that four or five special exhibitions are held throughout the year by centering on collection exhibitions that are organized around specific themes. In a modern black square building, there is a reception desk and a small museum shop on the first floor, There are two exhibition rooms, one on the second floor and one on the third floor, where about 30-40 works are displayed.


The building seems to have been jointly designed by Tatsuo Oi Design Studio and Blue Studio. It has got an appearance of stacked unglazed perforated tiles with the logo of the Sato Sakura Museum as a motif. I was able to feel that the inside of the museum was amazingly spacious compared to the exterior.


This term was planned as a retrospective exhibition of about 50 years of Mr. Koji Matsuura who leads the contemporary Japanese painting world, "The World of Koji Matsumura: Encounters and Trajectories." Mr. Matsumura studied under Ms. Tamako Kataoka when he was a student at Aichi Prefectural University of the Arts.where he learned the basics of Japanese painting. In the year he entered graduate school, he was selected for the first time at the Inten exhibition and since then he has won numerous awards. He currently has been a director of the Japan Art Institute. On the 3rd floor of the venue, an interview video of Mr. Matsumura was played and he talked about memories with Ms.Tamako Kataoka. 


Mr. Matsumura places the greatest importance on interviews in his works and he seems has been developed his works from the direct impressions he received through his encounters with the nature, landscape and people he visits in Japan and abroad. This exhibition features the Tsugaru Sea, where he has frequently covered since his school days and scenes of daily life there as well as his first overseas coverage at the age of 30 when he visited India and Nepal. Furthermore, other works such as his hometown of Nara, works of the beautiful four seasons of Japan that realistically depict the beauty of landscapes and various groups of medium to large-sized works that are fantastic and full of vitality. I was able to appreciation of his variety of paintings along with the transition of ages at the same time. The exhibition will be held until February 26, 2023 (Sun).


■Sri Lankan restaurant "Ceylon Inn" @ Nakameguro, Tokyo 

This time, I visited an art exhibition with a friend. Therefore on the way home, we visited an authentic Sri Lankan restaurant and people can enjoy curry and Ceylon tea. Also, we can try to have rare Sri Lankan curry, various a la carte dishes, Sri Lankan specific beer, Arak, and authentic Ceylon tea, which is famous all over the world. So, we had stir-fried water spinach, dal curry, mutton curry and warm chai. Spices were spread under the glass table and the Sri Lankan paintings, objects and interiors made us feel warm, but a bit crowded because of popularity.







■駐日トルコ大使館 直接義援金を送れる口座を公開 


個人の力は微力で小さいようですが、一人一人が 少しずつでも支援することで、




駐日トルコ大使館・総領事館 銀行口座番号


富士山・浅間神社五社巡り!/Visit to Mt.Fuji and the Five Sengen Shrines!

様々な姿の富士山/ Mount Fuji in various forms

河口湖/ Kawaguchiko


立春を迎えてすぐに、山梨県静岡県に位置する、1.東口本宮冨士浅間神社(富士山須走口登山道に鎮座する世界文化遺産)、2. 北口本宮冨士浅間神社富士登山吉田口登山道起点の世界文化遺産)、3. 富士御室浅間神社(武田家三代に渡り崇敬された富士山最古神社)、4. 山宮浅間神社(本殿のない富士山を遥拝する)、5. 富士山本宮浅間大社(富士山を御神体とした浅間神社総本宮)を巡りました。富士山は、2013年に信仰対象と芸術の源泉として世界文化遺産に登録されて久しいですが、今回、富士山を初め、山岳信仰の文化が始まる元となった浅間神社のいくつか廻ってみました。




■1.東口本宮冨士浅間神社/Higashiguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine



■2.北口本宮冨士浅間神社/Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine

大鳥居(日本最大木造鳥居)/Otorii Gate, The most biggest wooden gate


大塚丘 御祭神 日本武尊(やまとたけるのみこと)/Otsuka Hill, Yamato Takeru

富士恵比寿, 諏訪拝殿(吉田の御神輿)/ Fuji Ebisu, Suwa Worship Hall 




世界遺産富士山 地図 *Mt.Fujiウェブサイトより地図は借用しました。

■3.富士御室浅間神社/ Fuji Omuro Sengen Shrine


■4. 山宮浅間神社/ Yamamiya Sengen Shrine

富士山本宮浅間神社の元宮とされる(*晴間は下記写真のように 前方に富士山が見える)/ Consider to be the former shrine of Mt.Fuji Hongu Sengen Shrine.                                         (Mt. Fuji can be seen on a clear day.)


■5. 富士山本宮浅間大社/ Fuji Hongu Sengentaisha Shrine





                                                       富士山樹海/Mt. Fuji's Jyukai










■Visit to Mt.Fuji and the Five Sengen Shrines!

About the Five Sengen Shrines

Immediately after the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar, I visited on 1.Higashiguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen-jinja Shrine (a world cultural heritage enshrined on the Mt. heritage), 2. Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji sengen-jinjya Shrine(A world cultural heritage site at the starting point of the Mt. Fuji Yoshida Ascending Trail), 3. Fuji Omuro sengen-jinjya Shrine (Mt. Fuji's oldest shrine worshiped over three generations of the Takeda family), 4. Yamamiya sengen-jinjya Shrine (Worship Mt. Fuji and consider to be the former shrine of Fuji Hongu Sengen Shrine) and 5. Fuji Hongu Sengen Taisha (Sengen-jinja Shrine main shrine with Mt.Fuji as the object of worship). It has been a long time since Mt. Fuji was registered as a World Cultural Heritage site as a place of worship and as a source of artistic inspiration. This time, I visited on Mt. Fuji and several Sengen shrines where the culture of mountain worship began.


It was told that the god of Mt.Fuji is Asama-no-Okami, the god of volcanoes. The incarnation is Konohanasakuya Hime no Mikoto, a beautiful goddess who appears in Japanese mythology.  Nigigi no Mikoto is the grandson of Amaterasu Omikami. The both become a husband and wife god. Nigigi no Mikoto was the son of Amenoshihomimi no Mikoto. His mother was Yorozu Hatoyoakitsushi, the daughter of Takagi no Kami and it is told that to be the great-grandfather of Emperor Jinmu.Ninigi-no-mikoto received the transfer of the country from Okuninushi-no-mikoto and descended from heaven to govern Ashihara no Nakatsukuni in place of his father. According to the legend, Nigigi-no- Mikoto had three sons including Hosuseri-no-Mikoto, Hoori-no-Mikoto and Takamagahara-no-Mikoto. Nigigi-no- Mikoto planted as food for the people living in Ashihara-no-Kuni. It is also considered to be the enshrined deity of Sengen Shrine.  Konohanasakuya Hime no Mikoto is said to be the god of musubi from the myth that she gave birth in a fire and it seems that she came to be said to be a god who works various powers in many places by invisible abilities.


Distribution of Sengen Shrine

Sengen shrines were built all over the country, praising Minamoto no Yoritomo and people all over the country as gods with miraculous powers. Currently, there are more than 1,300 shrines nationwide. It is told that there are close to 1,900 shrines including shrines that have been merged with other shrines without the name Sengen Shrine. This seems to have developed nationwide, mainly in the Kanto region, by linking Asama faith with Shugendo and Kakugyo's Fuji-ko.


About Aokigahara Jukai

Aokigahara Jukai was erupted about 1,150 years ago during the Heian period and magma flowed out. These became the foundation of the land. It seems that there was a time when the environment couldn't be done such as no trees grow on the ground for 5 to 6 years. After that, it is gradually weathered by wind and rain. The magma turns into gravel and rainwater makes it possible for microorganisms such as bacteria to live. Due to the arrival of birds and insects, nutrients have increased and it seems that the environment has changed to a place where a wide variety of animals and plants can live and grow gradually. Besides, it is told that it takes 200 years for tall trees to grow and then it took 200 to 300 years after the eruption for the trees to gradually grow to their present state after the 11th century. Aokigahara Jukai forest is said to be 300 years old. In fact, if we look closely at Jukai forest, we will find that the ground surface is still covered with magma rocks and stones and only conifers such as cypress and hemlock with thin branches grow. I have got the Jukai Forest has a terrifying image in Seicho Matsumoto's novels and in the media reports, but it is the complete opposite of that, with the strong microbes of nature and the vitality of animals and plants that grow even in such harsh conditions. I felt the mysterious and sacred power that dwells in the great mountain.


Sengen Shrine used to be Buddhist temple...

Mt. Fuji attracts many worshipers and the Yamanashi Prefecture side, Omiyaguchi and Suyamaguchi, which took a long time to recover after the eruption and it seems to have been crowded with many worshipers from the Kanto region. At its peak, Yoshidaguchi was home to nearly 100 Oshi's mansions and there were many Kosha. It seems that there were times when it was forbidden, but there is still a lineage called Oshi in Yoshidaguchi, (*Kakugyo Hasegawa is the person worshiped, as the founderof Fuji- Ko). Oshi is the leader of the faith of Fuji-ko and at the same time, they are responsible for providing lodgings for the members when climbing Mt.Fuji. I confirmed that villages and houses that inherited this tradition of Oshi still exist today.


Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine, located in Fujiyoshida City is told that has been built to calm the eruption of Mt. Fuji and more than 200,000 people visit Mt. Fuji. However, in the past, Mt. Fuji was considered a mountain where gods lived and entry into the mountain was prohibited. It is also told that this place was a place to worship Mt.Fuji and perform rituals. This is the period when Shinto and Buddhism were syncretized and Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine has a Niomon gate, a bell tower and a three-storied pagoda of Buddism. However, people's faith has always been influenced by the politics of the time and when the Meiji Era separated Shintoism and Buddhism. Therefore, Buddhist statues were sadly and cruelly destroyed and removed at that time.


During this journey of the five shrines, I learned about the history of Mt. Fuji, the differences in culture and character between Yamanashi Prefecture and Shizuoka Prefecture, and the formation of Mt. Fuji.  Besides, It was a good opportunity to know  more about belief and so on for Japanese people in the past. In addition, I was able to feel the beauty and power of Mt. Fuji's great nature to my heart's content under the fresh air of the cold winter season. Moreover, I was able to understand the differences in history, climate, and culture of these regions. It was a nice day when I felt that the majestic Mt. Fuji is a great symbol of Japan, both mentally and spiritually.


椿山荘 庭園を散策/ Stroll around the Garden of Chinzanso

蠟梅・梅/ Japanese allspice・Plum blossom


ホテル椿山荘東京は、最寄り駅は、江戸川橋から徒歩10分程で、目白からは少し急坂を上った丘にあります。江戸時代の浮世絵絵師、歌川広重「名所江戸百景」にも登場する、南北朝時代から椿が自生する景勝地だったようで「つばきやま」と呼ばれ、江戸時代には、久留里藩黒田家の屋敷があったそうです。明治11(1878)年には、軍人・政治家、山縣有朋が庭園と邸宅として「椿山荘」と名付けたそうです。また下記添付しました、歌川広重の版画「せき口上水端はせを庵椿やま」名所江戸百景画像は、東京伝統木版画工芸協同組合よりお借りしました。1945年大第2次大戦の空襲で、山縣の邸宅などは焼け落ち、この地を継承した実業家、藤田平太郎は、自然を愛した山縣の遺志を継ぎ、審美眼で文化財を随所に配置し、改修を重ねてそれらを守り続け、この地をガーデンレストランとして運営した後、平成25(2013)年に「ホテル椿山荘東京」は、再開されました。山縣は、文化人としても素質が高かったそうで、京都の無鄰菴、小田原の古希庵なども手掛けたそうです。 椿山荘には、歴史的な人物、明治天皇はじめ、政界の重鎮が訪れ重要な会議も開かれていたようです。この庭園は、四季折々の自然が楽しめるようになっており、この度は、寒椿に、桃、蠟梅、梅などが咲いていました。春に咲くと思われる古い桜の樹々も植えられていましたので、近辺を流れる神田川沿いも、桜の名所のようなので、春先に再訪するのも良さそうです。








椿山荘ホテル室内/ Inside of Chinzanso

弁慶橋/Benkei Bridge

五百羅漢/ historic site of the Gohyaku Rakan

庚申塔/Koshin Pagoda

幽翠池/Yousui Pond

五丈滝/ Gojo Falls

七福神/The Seven Lucky Gods

般若寺式石灯籠/Hannyaji-style stone lantern
丸形大水鉢・車石/Round large water bowl / Kurumaishi

十三重石塔/13 Storied Tower

せき口上水端はせを庵椿やま 名所江戸百景 歌川広重 版画寸法:縦340 x 横220mm







大黒天 /七福神






国指定有形文化財 三重塔「圓通閣」















神田川/Kanda River


Stroll around the Garden of Chinzanso

Regarding to Chinzanso, I had a strong image of a luxury hotel and a wedding hall. I had the chance to visit this time. There is also a historic site of the Gohyaku Rakan, which was drawn by Ito Jakuchu, an artist in the middle of the Edo period. I heard that (approximately 50cm tall, which once have been at Sekiho-ji Temple in Fushimi, in south of Kyoto), so I took a leisurely tour of the garden and historic sites.


Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo is a 10-minute walk from Edogawabashi, the nearest station and it is located on a hill a little steep from Mejiro. It was also called "Tsubakiyama" because it was a scenic spot and there was a suburban residence of the Kuroda family of the Kururi domain in the Edo period. In1878 (Meiji 11), a military man and politician, Aritomo Yamagata built a garden and mansion and named it as” Chinzanso”.


In 1945, his residence was burned down in the air raids of World War II. Heitaro Fujita, who inherited the land, he also inherited the will of Yamagata, who loved nature. After repeated renovations to preserve its history and tradition, the mansion and its area was operated as a garden restaurant, before re-opening as "Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo" in 2013.   Aritomo Yamagata was also a highly qualified man of culture. He also worked on Murin-an in Kyoto and Koki-an in Odawara. Chinzanso has been visited by historical figures such as Emperor of Meiji and other important figures in the political world, as well as important meetings that changed Japanese politics.


Here we can enjoy the nature of the four seasons and this time there were tsubaki, peaches, Japanese allspice and plums in bloom. Old cherry blossom trees that are thought to bloom in the spring are also planted, so the Kanda River that flows through the area seems like a hidden cherry blossom spot, so it would be nice to revisit in early spring.


As for the garden, the front entrance of the hotel building is on the 3rd floor, but if we go down to the ground floor and go outside, we will find a monument to Chinzanso. It is told that this is a monument carved with Aritomo Yamagata’s feelings when he named it Chinzanso in 1878, looking back on the time when he took possession of this area and started building Chinzanso. From there, you can already see the vermilion Benkei Bridge and the firefly swamp, but the clear stream is flowing in the valley behind the Moso bamboo grove, originally called "Takeura Valley".


The weather was fine on this day and there seemed to be several weddings and tea parties, therefore many people were seen wearing kimonos. From "Benkeibashi", we can enjoy the fantastic light of fireflies as a feature of early summer. I wonder if we could really see fireflies in this center of city ?


In addition, there are many other historical sites in the garden, such as a three-storied tower that has been designated as a national tangible cultural property originating from Takamurayama Chikurinji Temple, a 13rd stone pagoda related to Uraku Oda and a 500-year-old sacred tree, as I took some photos. I would like to introduce some of the places I have explored, but the garden is very large, so I could not go to the restaurant, soba restaurant, sacred tree and Shiratama Inari Shrine in the back.


Koshin Pagoda 

A stone pagoda derived from the Taoist Koshin faith and it has been built in 1669. Blue-faced Kongo statue is carved.


Yusui Pond

This pond was originally built by Aritomo Yamagata and is characterized by its gourd-shaped shape. It is one of the scenic spots in the garden that was selected by Yamagata for Chinzanso at the time, along with the existing Kokai and Unkinike. 


Daikokuten/ The Seven Lucky Gods

The Seven Lucky Gods are scattered in the garden of Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo. The first thing we will encounter is the god who brings good luck in marriage and work. It is located between Yusuike Pond and welcomes us with a big smile near the pond.


Gojo Falls

It is located in the back of the crystal chapel "Lumière", the steps of the rocks and the moss-covered rock face change the flow of the water, and in the summer. We can feel the coolness of the scenery and the sound of the water. 


Nationally designated tangible cultural property Three-storied pagoda

"Entsukaku" is relocated from Takamurasanchikurinji Temple in Kamo District, Hiroshima Prefecture to the Mejiro Forest in 1925, a temple related to Ono no Takamura, a famous Heian period poet.   


Round large water bowl / Kurumaishi

It was located at Hinooka Pass, which runs from Awataguchi in Higashiyama Ward to Yamashina, and it seemed to have been built by Mokujiki Shonin and Yoa Shozen for travelers. This water basin has been preserved together with the precious paving stone "Kuruma-ishi", which has the ruts of an ox-cart carved into it. 


Hannyaji-style stone lantern

A masterpiece from the late Kamakura period. Hannya-ji style stone lanterns were popular among tea ceremony masters and landscape gardeners in the Edo period as one of the famous lanterns. Due to its reputation, many imitations were made, but in 1978,  Masataro Kawakatsu, an authority on stone art research told that “the lantern of Chinzanso “(now Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo) was made in the Kamakura period. It is the original," and research results have been announced that the existing one at Hannya-ji Temple in Nara Prefecture is probably a copy of it. 



The area was called "Tsubakiyama" because of its scenic beauty, where camellias grew wild since the Northern and Southern Courts. The camellia gifted from Hagi City of Yamaguchi Prefecture, where is related to Aritomo Yamagata.


13 Storied Tower

This pagoda (total height of 4.76 meters) is said to have been related to Yuraku Oda (younger brother of Nobunaga Oda), who was a military commander and master of the tea ceremony during the Sengoku period. It is made of granite and the four directions of Buddha (Mida, Miroku, Shakya and Yakushi) are carved on the first layer. It is also characterized by a mixture of several types of pagodas, some of which show the style of the Kamakura period.

「物語の行方は」画家・藤野今日子さんの個展へ/ "Where the story goes" To the solo exhibition of artist, Ms. Kyoko Fujino

こちらの二つの絵は物語の行方が繋がっているそうです/  These two paintings seem to have a connected story.

今回は、画家・藤野今日子さんの個展 2023.1.9(月)〜14(土)へ、銀座・GALLERY AND LINKS 81.one/bis  を訪れました。実は、初見から藤野さんの描いた人物画、特に10代~こどもの少し憂愁な感じもする、微妙な心理も表現した、なんとも言えない表情の、瞬間を捉えた描写や、明るくカラフルな色彩や、コラージュとの組合せが印象的で、いつか実物を拝見したいと思っていました。それから数年間、SNSの友達として繋がっていました。もちろん藤野さんとお会いするのも初めてで、この日は直接お話しすることが出来て有意義な時間を過ごすことが出来ました。





藤野今日子さん/ Ms. Kyoko Fujino

銀座・GALLERY AND LINKS 81.one/bis/ Ginza




1975 静岡県に生まれる

1993 玉川大学文学部芸術学科入学 油絵を専攻

1998 同大学 卒業 卒業後は公募展への作品出品、路上販売等を行う

1999~2003 グループ展多数開催

2004~2005 ヨーロッパ、中東、アジア諸国など23カ国を放浪

2006 銀座 小野画廊2にて個展『藤野今日子展』

2013 第60回 全日肖展 小作品部門 入選

2016 『練馬区民美術展』出展 美術館長賞受賞

2016  第63回 全日肖展 小作品部門 入選

2017 『練馬区民美術展』出展 努力賞受賞

2018 『練馬区民美術展』出展 区長賞受賞

2005~2018 銀座、西荻窪、吉祥寺のギャラリーにて『二人展』毎年開催

2006~2019 『遠州横須賀街道ちっちゃな文化展』 毎年出展

2020 ・銀座かわうそ画廊『かわうそ新人賞』月刊美術賞受賞 ・『世界絵画大賞展』入選 ・かわうそ画廊 少女の楽園展

2021 ・ギャラリーART POINT 桜恋 ・月刊美術6月号掲載 ・かわうそ画廊 和を以って貴しと為す展 ・キチジョウジギャラリー 4人展 ・KIZUNA 2021-GALLERY AND LINKS 81 ・銀座美の起原入選作品展



 ■"Where the story goes" To the solo exhibition of artist, Ms. Kyoko Fujino

This time, I visited to “GALLERY AND LINKS 81.one/bis” in Ginza for the solo exhibition of artist, Ms. Kyoko Fujino. In fact, I was impressed at first glance, Ms. Fujino's portraits, especially the lively but a bit melancholy expressions of each child, expressing the subtle psychology, the depiction that captures the moment along with the bright and colorful colors and the combination with the collage. I wished to see the real pintings someday. Of course, it was my first time to meet Ms. Fujino and I was able to spend a good time listening to her story directly.


Ms. Fujino's works are used oil paintings, acrylic adhesive gel mediums and she makes full use of transfer technology (such as copying chiyogami and photographs on the screen). It seems that the young child model exhibited this time is an actual son who has a medieval atmosphere. I felt that the portrait  was a girl, or that portrait was in her own childhood, but I felt that the atmosphere on his/her face was similar to Ms. Fujino's.


Especially, it seems to illustrate the inner changes and difficulties that everyone experiences in this age group. Simultaneously, on the other hand, the expressions of young children who have the potential for the future of life at its peak. In addition, she has been focusing on the inner world of people, along with these expressive depictions, while placing importance on the connection between people, she also feels a strong connection with living things and nature and expresses each world and story.               In addition, through the works, it seems that Ms. Fujino hopes us to feel the feelings and future of children who are spending a sensitive period under the influence of the corona. At the same time, it also depicts that people will be healed from loneliness by nature in the corona misfortune.  Ms. Fujino told me that she will be participating in an exhibition as an overseas volunteer activity in the near future by making use of her extensive overseas travel experience.