お正月休みも終わって/New Year holidays are over






冬休みの最終日は、神奈川県大磯に暮らす、長いお付き合いの友人と会うために、再び鎌倉を訪れました。最初に鶴岡八幡宮で初詣を行い、大石段の下に自祓所が設置されていたので、茅の輪くぐりで、お祓いが出来ました。昼食は、八幡宮近くの老舗「峰本八幡前本店」で頂いた後、江ノ島電鉄に乗って、七里ガ浜を散策しました。そして、友人お薦めの湘南の海を望む, オーストラリア シドニー発で”世界一の朝食”と称されたリコッタパンケーキ、オーガニック・スクランブルエッグで知られる「bills」に行きました。目の前には海が望める好立地で、オーストラリア発らしい、大きなパンケーキとvodkaの効いたティラミスが美味しかったです。


ちょうど、七里ガ浜の夕暮れの海と、江ノ島や、遠くは富士山の裾野の美しい景色が観られました。こちらからは、大抵、午後には、富士山は雲を被って見えないそうです。富士山を観るには、晴れた日の午前中までに訪れた方が良さそうです。冬休みの最終日、気の置けない友人と、愉しくてゆっくとリラックスしたひと時が過ごせました。 ページトップにリンクを添えましたが、動画も撮ってみました。冬の海辺で凧揚げをしたり、なんと海に入っている子がいます、寒そうですが、美しい風景でした。



鶴岡八幡宮/ Tsuruoka Hachimangu

遠くに江ノ島/ Enoshima Island in far away


New Year holidays are over


■New Year holiday was blessed with good weather in this year. With the first sunrise of the year, I was able to bathe in the morning sun and spend a peaceful New Year.


On the last day of my winter vacation, I visited Kamakura again to meet up with a longtime friend of mine who lives in Oiso, Kanagawa Prefecture. I was able to exorcise by going through the Chinowa. For lunch, we had lunch at the long-established Minemoto near Hachimangu Shrine. Then we took the Enoshima Electric Railway to Shichirigahama. According to recommendation of my friend, overlooking the sea in Shonan,  I went to the restaurant,called Bills, known for its ricotta pancakes and organic scrambled eggs of Australia From Sydney, which is said to be the best breakfast in the world. In a perfect location where we can see the sea  front of us, we had a large pancake and tiramisu with vodka, which seems to be really from Australia.


Additionally, we able to see the beautiful scenery of Shichirigahama Beach at dusk, Enoshima Island and the foot of Mt. Fuji in the distance. From here, Mt.Fuji is usually covered with clouds in the afternoon and cannot be seen. In order to see Mt. Fuji, it seems better to visit by the morning on a sunny day. On the last day of winter vacation, I had a relaxing time with my close friends.I'm sure this year will be a good year for me personally.  

I have a feeling that this year is going to be a turbulent year for both the world and Japan, but everything that will happen on the earth from now on will be an awakening to humanity, learning and lessons for evolution and growth. I will spend each day cherishing it with the mindset that it is inevitable as well as we must experience it individually.